Audio by title conscious_voices_columbus_tax_abatements_and_remembering_ron_dellums
Conscious Voices Columbus tax abatements and remembering Ron Dellums
59:59 minutes (82.37 MB)
The Colyumbus City Council adopted a new policy regarding tax abatements for developers which includes a provision that requires developers to dedicate a portion of each new construction to "affordable hoiusing". But is that enough? What is "affordable"? Critics say the policy greases the skids for gentrification.
Field recordings of speakers at the City Council meeting and an interview with Amy Harkins of Yes We Can.
Also; the Council approved the Columbus Community Bill Of Rights ballot measure to proceed to the November ballot . A speaker on that issue addressed the council, and an interview with Community Bill Of Rights activists afterward.
And a remembrance of Ron Dellums, who died this week at 82 - a recording of his 1990 speech in Oakland introducing the newly freed Nelson Mandela.