WCRS Podcast - wcrsproducer
D.Austin PSA Chair - PSA Earth Day To May Day 3-24
0:56 minutes (886.18 KB)
Tearing Down Walls of Separation -
Building A Web of Resilience and Resistance
March 28, 2014 (Friday)
7:30 p.m. Drum Circle Call to Gather
8:00 p.m. Tear Down the Walls Multi-Media Presentations:
1. Bob Brown speaking on the AFGJ
2. Marium Husain & Ginnie Vogts speaking on TAX Day actions
3. James Hayes speaking on Prison Pipeline Industry
4. DON'T FRACK OHIO spokesperson
BARACK Community Recreation Center
580 Woodrow Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43207 USA
614-252-9255 – walk@igc.org
The Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet and Peace over Profit is an education and direct action campaign beginning this spring, with “10 days to change course,” running from Earth Day to May Day. It provides coordinated action and collaboration across fronts of struggle and national borders to harness the transformative power we already possess as a thousand separate movements. These grassroots justice movements are sweeping the globe, rising up against the global assault on our shared economy, ecology, peace and democracy. The accelerating climate disaster, which threatens to unravel civilization as soon as 2050, intensifies all of these struggles and creates new urgency for collaboration and unified action.
The Convergence creates a unifying call for a solution as big as the crisis barreling down on us – an emergency Green Economic Transformation through a Global Green New Deal including universal jobs, health care, education, food and housing security, economic and political democracy, demilitarization, an end to deportations, and 100% clean renewable energy by 2030. Clearly the time for action is NOW!
Sponsored by Community Organizing Center (Columbus, Ohio), Columbus Chapter of the UNA and Ohio Student Association
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Yesterday's Top Secrets 500th Show Promo
0:45 minutes (711.06 KB)
Promo for the 500th show of "Yesterday's Top Secrets".
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DJBC Happy Hour St. Patrick's Day in Dublin '14 Promo
0:35 minutes (551.12 KB)
Promo for The DJBC Happy Hour Classic on March 17, 2014.
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International Women's Month PSA # 1 (The World Party)
0:40 minutes (942.7 KB)
International Women's Month PSA from The World Party's Rolly Pagniano.
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Fast Times in Palestine...Pamela Olson event...
0:53 minutes (834.87 KB)
Fast Times in Palestine:
A Love Affair with a Homeless Homeland
by Pamela J. Olson
“No other book has conveyed such an authentic, penetrating, and enchanting sense of the Palestinian people and their long struggle for rights and security.” — Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories.
Pamela Olson, a small town girl from eastern Oklahoma, had what she always wanted: a physics degree from Stanford University. But instead of feeling excited for what came next, she felt consumed by dread and confusion. This
irresistible memoir chronicles her journey from aimless ex-bartender to Ramallah-based journalist and foreign press coordinator for a Palestinian presidential candidate. With dizzying speed she found herself attending
Yasser Arafat's funeral, tour-guiding Israeli friends around the West Bank, dating a Palestinian from a conservative village, being held at gunpoint and injured by a stun grenade, and witnessing the 2005 Disengagement from inside
the Gaza Strip. The gripping narrative focuses not only on violence, terror, and politics but also on the daily rounds of house parties, concerts, barbecues, weddings, jokes, harvests, and romantic drama that happen in
between. Funny, gorgeous, shocking, and galvanizing, Fast Times in Palestine challenges the way we think not only about the Middle East but about human nature and our place in the world. Named a Top 10 Travel Book of 2013 by
Publishers Weekly and a Best Travel Book of Spring by National Geographic. A question and answer session will follow the book discussion.
Two Events:
Sunday, March 23, 2014, 3:00 PM. First Unitarian Universalist Church of
Columbus, 93 W. Weisheimer, Columbus, Ohio 43214.
Monday, March 24, 2014, 7:00 PM. St. John’s Evangelical Protestant Church,
59 East Mound St., Columbus, Free parking is available in the gravel lot
directly east of our church, at the corner of Mound and Third streets, on
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DJBC Happy Hour - March 10, 2014 Promo
0:40 minutes (656 KB)
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WCRS International Women's Month Promo # 2
0:35 minutes (546.24 KB)
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International Women's Month Celebration (March 8, 2014)
0:50 minutes (785.76 KB)
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The DJBC Happy Hour - March 3, 2014 Promo
0:30 minutes (468.32 KB)
Promo for the March 3, 2014 episode of "The DJBC Happy Hour"
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DJBC Happy Hour - 2014 Oscar Preview Promo
0:35 minutes (553.63 KB)
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