WCRS Podcast - wcrsproducer
The Weekend Warrior - July 27, 2023
3:51 minutes (3.52 MB)
There is a lot happening this weekend:
- The Ohio State Fair is underway.
- The Whitehall Food Truck Festival is Saturday along Yearling Road.
- The Canal Winchester Blues & Jazz Festival is this weekend.
- The Lancaster Festival closes Saturday with Sheryl Crow headlining.
- Fourth Friday is Friday on State Street in Uptown Westerville and Grandview Hop is Saturday along Grandview Avenue in Grandview & 5th by Northwest.
- The Ganthers Place Garden Tour is Sunday in Ganthers Place on the South Side.
- National Night Out is next Tuesday.
Plus LIVE Theatre, Music, and who the Clippers are playing this weekend and next.
The Weekend Warrior - June 29, 2023
4:29 minutes (4.12 MB)
Here is the Fourth of July Edition of The Weekend Warrior for June 29, 2023.
Columbus On The Cheap:
Experience Columbus:
And there are other events happening this weekend, as well.
2023 Comfest Preview
15:50 minutes (14.75 MB)
A preview of Comfest, June 23-25, 2023 at Goodale Park from "The DJBC Happy Hour" (June 19, 2023).
The Weekend Warrior - June 15, 2023 (Pride/Juneteenth Edition)
2:57 minutes (2.68 MB)