WCRS Podcast - Street Fight
Street Fight Radio - 5 30 2013 A riveting discussion of thievery leads to laws we don't want in anarchy city
58:34 minutes (53.63 MB)
This week we had a hearty discussion about theft that began with an explanantion of the training that Brett received as a kid and led to how these skills can be used at work or the grocery store, there's always a place to find some extra money you deserve.
The second half was about the popular website AIRBNB being outlawed in New York City. If you don't know the site it's a way to find rooms available in a city you want to visit, and rent them. The government thinks they know better than you do where you should sleep. Which then led us to talk about the drug czar, and what exactly his drug doing credentials are to tell me that the drugs we do aren't safe, even though we're not dead.
Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.
Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is StreetFightRadio@gmail.com
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Street Fight Radio - 5 23 2013 We defend the anarchist theme of the Fast and Furious and then we take over the Boy Scouts
59:45 minutes (54.7 MB)
Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.
Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is StreetFightRadio@gmail.com
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Street Fight Radio - 5 16 2013 - We shame the Pop and Abercrombie shamers and fight for the right to cheat government
58:49 minutes (53.85 MB)
Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.
Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is StreetFightRadio@gmail.com
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Street Fight Radio - 5 9 2013 It's time to total out the government, Disney, and The New York Times
58:57 minutes (53.98 MB)
This week we started out by making appeal to the world that this hunk of junk vehicle called the USA is beyond its last leg. It's time we totaled it out.
Charles Ramsey is a hero and the people who think he is a meme are the bigger joke. We slandered the internet on this one.
Disney wants a holiday and the New York Times of course wants more war. We did our duty of combating this awful behavior.
Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.
Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is StreetFightRadio@gmail.com
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Street Fight Radio - 5 2 2013 We goofed off for May Day by defending Amanda Bynes and sharing advice about the carnival.
58:57 minutes (53.98 MB)
Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.
Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is StreetFightRadio@gmail.com
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Street Fight WCRS - 4 25 2013 We revisit Boston and spit at people who deserve it
59:46 minutes (54.72 MB)
This week we did a whole bunch of news. We normally work on regulating some of the smaller happenings of the world but there is too much going on.
We addressed our anti-conspiracy theory stance from last weeks show because we want people to talk about actual fake terror plots setup by the government.
We were also very concerned about that army that showed up out of nowhere is Boston. We do know that we were definitely in the minority because Michael Grunwald would like to be treaded on more.
We talked about the government doing every thing they can to hinder business at farmers markets.
Finally we ended by coming out to do something to counter the type of filth Matt Yglesias is publishing over at slate. He believes that the deaths of almost 200 garment workers in Bangladesh is justified.
Street Fight exists to combat this
Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.
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Street Fight Radio - 4 18 2013 We uncover a conspiracy about conspiracy theorists and we give away free marketing advice to anonymous
58:07 minutes (53.21 MB)
Another exciting edition of the show. This week we went ahead and bullied all the conspiracy theorists who can't seem to look at the world without a crushing feeling of being defeated by the NWO
In the second half we gave away the ultimate secret to anonymous' success. We were not paid to do so but that's because we are decent people who want to help and we wouldn't dream of charging for such brilliant advice.
Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.
Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it!If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is StreetFightRadio@gmail.com
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Street Fight WCRS - 4 11 13 We continue our assault on NPR and we talk about all the accidental racists we know
58:00 minutes (53.11 MB)
We started with a discussion about North Korea and our stance on it versus our competitor NPR. NPR seems safe, it's definitely boring enough to not seem like it's the truth but it's just another way to keep people in line with the goals of the murder and oppression machine.
This week we had to be the bearer of bad news for any non-white or non-male citizens that yes indeed the song Accidental Racist by Brad Paisley is what the majority of our kind believe. We don't like it or agree but we do know that viciously attacking their misguided attempts at opening up dialog is definitely not going to work and you're probably just fueling more sales at DixieRebel.com
Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.
Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it!
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is StreetFightRadio@gmail.com
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Street Fight WCRS - 4 4 2013 Don't bomb North Korea it's full of people, drug laws turning parents into criminals, how to handle a spanking
57:58 minutes (53.07 MB)
Since we haven't found any media outlets telling listeners that there's a bunch of people that will be killed in North Korea if we bomb them we wanted to remind you. There could even be a couple guys who say outrageous things but haven't been jailed yet just like us that could be killed and we don't want that. If that isn't enough then you should know that teachers and cops are killed by bombs and we love them in this country (well unless they're getting paid well or receiving benefits).
Blue Scholars - Blue School is the song in the middle
There are two parents in Florida who's children were taken away over displaying marijuana at a political rally and they decided to take them back. These are the type of circumstances that are completely created by the government and we know the outcome for these people isn't going to be good. Street Fight is not going to hint around about marijuana use when it sells ads and then chum it up with cops or celebrate our "freedoms" the way our competitors do. You should know this radio show is a mission to dismantle any system turning people into criminals.
Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.
Thanks for listening we really appreciate it! This show is free to download so we ask that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it!
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is StreetFightRadio@gmail.com
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Street Fight WCRS - 3 28 2013 Brett's song about Ohio, Get clean cut or die, The government can't claim all the animals
58:07 minutes (53.21 MB)
Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.
Thanks for listening we really appreciate it and while this show is free to download we ask that if you listened and enjoyed it you share with your friends online or in real life.
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is StreetFightRadio@gmail.com
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