
Scott Ritter Talk

27:46 minutes (6.36 MB)

Jan. 27, 2008: Jeff Cohen, Founder of FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), and Scott Ritter, US Marine and former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, speak at the IBEW Union Hall. Jeff describes the failure of our media to present balanced viewpoints in the runup to the Iraq war and how the media is setting itself up to "get fooled again" regarding Iran. Scott talks about administration lies and the subversion of our constitution.

This Jan. 27 event was funded in part by the Puffin Foundation.

Malalai Joya

55:18 minutes (12.66 MB)

Mar. 10, 2006: Malalai Joya, outspoken Afghani parliament member speaks on women's rights and democracy. Malalai presented this talk at the OSU Mershon Center in Columbus as she began a 2 week tour of U.S. cities. Her compassion and selfless dedication to the cause of human rights in Afghanistan made for a very moving exchange.

Danjir Somali Program August 31, 2008

60:16 minutes (13.8 MB)

The Jim Maneri Show, August 31, 2008

60:16 minutes (27.59 MB)

Danjir Somali Program August 30, 2008

59:37 minutes (13.65 MB)

Somali Hour, August 30, 2008

59:37 minutes (13.65 MB)

Musicologie, August 30, 2008

60:16 minutes (27.59 MB)

Cranksters, August 29, 2008

60:32 minutes (13.86 MB)

Turn Me On w/ Jesse Michael Barr, August 28, 2008

60:32 minutes (27.71 MB)

Here is "Turn Me On" for Thursday, August 28, 2008.

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