# 333 - The DJBCX: Happy Birthday In The Time of Coronavirus

- Artist: The DJBC (Social Distancing) Happy Hour
- Title: # 333 - Happy Birthday In The Time of Coronavirus (#TheDJBCX)
- Album: WCRS Podcast - djbc
- Genre: Podcast
- Year: 2020
- Length: 59:17 minutes (54.29 MB)
- Format: MP3 Joint stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
The show celebrates nine years on the air tonight with the latest updates from the Stay At Home Order. The Weekend Warrior has updates on events that have been cancelled due to COVID-19/Coronavirus. And, then some.
LINKS (to Past Shows, with Resources):
# 332 - http://wcrsfm.org/content/332-down-and-out-quarantine-hills
# 331 - http://wcrsfm.org/content/331-hdash-hunker-down-and-stay-home