Megan Schmidt ---Italian Village Community Garden

Another Italian Village Community gardener who seemed to be enjoying the festive ambience that Sunday evening is Megan Schmidt

“We’ve been doing it for 3 years. Every year I add something new. I’ve really learned a lot over those 3 years…This year we decided to do okra, watermelon, raspberries, red onions...”

Schmidt also is growing Brussels sprouts, lettuce, green beans, cherry tomatoes, “mystery peppers” and Beefsteak tomatoes. Schmidt said the garden is a nice gathering place.
“It’s really fun. It (gardening) is more fun with your neighbors and friends.”

Living only a little ways down the street, she can go and grab while preparing her dinner.
“The best thing is eating what you grew out of your garden. It’s a good feeling.”

Schmidt also planted flowers such as Black Eyed Susans and Arizona Blanket Flowers.
“It adds color…and attracts butterflies and bees which is good for the garden.”

----Tom Over