The Weekend Warrior - Sept. 28, 2023

- Artist: WCRS Announcer
- Title: The Weekend Warrior - Sept. 28, 2023
- Album: WCRS Podcast - wcrsproducer
- Genre: Podcast
- Year: 2023
- Length: 3:44 minutes (3.39 MB)
- Format: MP3 Joint stereo 44kHz 126Kbps (ABR)
Among the Weekend Events...
Worthington Market Day
The (Bexley) Main Event
Grandview Hop/Festival for Good
Otterbein/Capital Football Rivalry
Carmen at the Southern Theatre
POTUS at The Contemporary (Vern Riffe Center)
Ragtime at Columbus Children's Theatre (Lincoln Theatre)
Hitchcocktoberfest at the Gateway Film Center
And more...