Audio by artist street_fight_radio

Street Fight Radio - 4 18 2013 We uncover a conspiracy about conspiracy theorists and we give away free marketing advice to anonymous

58:07 minutes (53.21 MB)

Another exciting edition of the show. This week we went ahead and bullied all the conspiracy theorists who can't seem to look at the world without a crushing feeling of being defeated by the NWO

In the second half we gave away the ultimate secret to anonymous' success. We were not paid to do so but that's because we are decent people who want to help and we wouldn't dream of charging for such brilliant advice.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it!If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
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Brett’s Twitter
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 5 2 2013 We goofed off for May Day by defending Amanda Bynes and sharing advice about the carnival.

58:57 minutes (53.98 MB)

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
Bryan’s Twitter
Brett’s Twitter
Street Fights Twitter
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 5 9 2013 It's time to total out the government, Disney, and The New York Times

58:57 minutes (53.98 MB)

This week we started out by making appeal to the world that this hunk of junk vehicle called the USA is beyond its last leg. It's time we totaled it out.

Charles Ramsey is a hero and the people who think he is a meme are the bigger joke. We slandered the internet on this one.

Disney wants a holiday and the New York Times of course wants more war. We did our duty of combating this awful behavior.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
Bryan’s Twitter
Brett’s Twitter
Street Fights Twitter
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 5 16 2013 - We shame the Pop and Abercrombie shamers and fight for the right to cheat government

58:49 minutes (53.85 MB)

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
Bryan’s Twitter
Brett’s Twitter
Street Fights Twitter
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 5 23 2013 We defend the anarchist theme of the Fast and Furious and then we take over the Boy Scouts

59:45 minutes (54.7 MB)

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
Bryan’s Twitter
Brett’s Twitter
Street Fights Twitter
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 5 30 2013 A riveting discussion of thievery leads to laws we don't want in anarchy city

58:34 minutes (53.63 MB)

This week we had a hearty discussion about theft that began with an explanantion of the training that Brett received as a kid and led to how these skills can be used at work or the grocery store, there's always a place to find some extra money you deserve.

The second half was about the popular website AIRBNB being outlawed in New York City. If you don't know the site it's a way to find rooms available in a city you want to visit, and rent them. The government thinks they know better than you do where you should sleep. Which then led us to talk about the drug czar, and what exactly his drug doing credentials are to tell me that the drugs we do aren't safe, even though we're not dead.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
Bryan’s Twitter
Brett’s Twitter
Street Fights Twitter
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 6 6 2013 Talkin' trash and Turds

68:45 minutes (62.95 MB)

This week we talked about trash. There's some interesting moves being made by the government regarding our trash and we want to investigate it. There has to be a reason they're making it illegal to take it.

The second half of the show we talked dismantling the government like usual but we also talked about the rights of citizens to call their leaders a turd and how they've insulated the president in America to the point where he can't be called a turd man for doing turd man things.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
Bryan’s Twitter
Brett’s Twitter
Street Fights Twitter
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 6 13 2013 Edward Snowden and Payday Advance loans

58:12 minutes (53.28 MB)

This week we went all out on the Snowden story. Street Fight is your number one news source for people who have attended community college and do not use it as an insult like the other wretched media sources.

In the second half we talked about how terrify it is for us to hear Matt Yglesias say he wants payday advance centers inside Wal-Mart.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
Bryan’s Twitter
Brett’s Twitter
Street Fights Twitter
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 6 20 2013 Bryan explains his Anarchy house and we try to figure out who in the hell can go to the dentist

60:51 minutes (55.72 MB)

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
Bryan’s Twitter
Brett’s Twitter
Street Fights Twitter
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 6 27 2013 We celebrate the victories and highlight the idiocy.

64:50 minutes (59.36 MB)

This is just Street Fight doin' its thing and winning all over again. Everys ingle week we deliver this and we do it well so keep coming back because it's going to get better.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!
Bryan’s Twitter
Brett’s Twitter
Street Fights Twitter
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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 7 4 2013 Freedom! Comfest nightmares! Business! Nature!!

58:31 minutes (53.58 MB)

This week we talked about what it really means to live in a free society like America. What to expect from American business and from our nature preserves and we started to wonder if the tow truck guys can be trusted after the revolution.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 7 10 2013 - We do the show on DCP and talk about life with casinos

59:32 minutes (54.51 MB)

This week we talked about 'merica and freedom and how nice it is to be on a radio station that let's us celebrate that.

Brett visited Columbus over the weekend and had plenty of great times doubling his money at the Racino. Brett's dad gave him the nity gritty on the purse holders in Columbus and the mysterious closings of two beloved flea markets in the city.

King Tuff is the music for this show, Keep On Movin in the middle and Bad Thing at the end.

We found out that the government is trying to poison drugs away again and that some weiner in a suit is set on curing us of our enjoyment.

At the end we finally let the world know that we are in fact Belieber's

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 7 18 2013 - Tough week for comedy, but we prevailed.

59:24 minutes (54.38 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to Earth's #1 no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan will whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

This week we discussed our inability to feel like anyone would care about another couple of white guys opinions regarding Trayvon Martin and we examined the horrible deal corporate America has chiseled out for working people.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 7 25 2013 Enjoy the fair but don't forget about Benghazi!

60:09 minutes (55.07 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to Earth's #1 no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan will whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

This week we covered the state fair, people that demand you talk about what they want and the special kind of bread they are now serving up at Subway.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - We're gonna turn this laugh riot into a real riot

78:33 minutes (71.91 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

This week we covered the intense security at the Ohio state fair, the only solution to our Bradley Manning problem, how Dan Savage picked vodka for his conscious capitalism campaign, ending our plastic existence, why everyone should be asking for $10 more an hour, and what anarchy city would like in terms of traffic infractions.

The song in the middle was We Run High St. by Hafrican and you can go see him at Double Happiness this Friday!!

Street Fight Radio - NSA is not OK, Does the president have special internet?, the wiley Koch brothers, and Monantilluminati

59:27 minutes (54.44 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

This week we talked about the NSA and the DEA getting too close for comfort, Obama the guy who needs to answer a few more questions, the wiley Koch brothers and the super secret illuminati that is Monsanto.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 8 15 2013 We've had enough of the police state Kumar

61:05 minutes (55.93 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 8 22 2013 Chelsea Manning is not a threat to anyone except the bad guys and Richard Dawkins thinks he could've cured evil

64:08 minutes (58.72 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.


We talked about Amanda Billyrock going to the free state project and finding out that people who treat people like jerks can expect not have a place to live (This situation could be problematic for the hosts of Street Fight)

We also talked about the hell of legalized marijuana and then closed by discussin Richard Dawkins allowing us to take a peek into the mind of a world renowned scientist to see what it's like in there.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter

Street Fight Radio - We explain how dumb it is to promote attacking Syria and how dumb it is to be a college Republican

68:46 minutes (62.96 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

This week we discussed why Syria and Miley Cyrus IN THE SAME SHOW!! Unbelievable I know, that we can think about more than one thing or even try to understand how they relate to eachother but we did it and we were successful!!

We closed the show talking about how dumb kids at college are.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 9 5 2013 We bear witness to boots and jeans while fighting the American war machine.

75:05 minutes (68.74 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

This week we discussed the first chapter and verse from the upcoming boots and jeans bible, we took our local hard rock radio station (the Blitz) and ruined their entire endeavor and then we went ahead and told people how dumb it is to shoot missiles around the world. I hope you enjoy!

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 9 12 2013

67:51 minutes (62.13 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

9 19 2013 - This is the best radio program on the planet

69:00 minutes (63.17 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 9 26 2013 - The weed celebration show

66:53 minutes (61.24 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 10 3 2013 The first show in the post-america world

60:35 minutes (55.47 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

The DEA can go after you and alter your entire life

Breaking Bad - neo nazis actually have a very fucked up system of honor in their own minds

Ensure is going to return and overtake your life

Energy drinks are really terrible

@rabelazy suggested Furiosos for the name of fast and furious fans

The song was The Stooges - Gimme Danger

NPR mentions that the library of Congress and the state parks website will close

Atlantic Wire “Obama: GOP Shut Down the Government, but Obamacare is 'Open for Business'” by Phil Bump
“the president reminded his audience that a bigger fight was looming: the need to raise the debt ceiling by October 17. That vote wouldn't raise the debt itself, as we've noted in the past — it simply allows the government to borrow money to pay off its existing debts.”

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fight Radio - 10 10 2013 - Keep on shutting down America

64:20 minutes (58.9 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

Sean mentioned on facebook that he drank energy drink everyday for 5 years and had tons of kidney stones. Hasn’t had them in 3 and hasn’t had an issue.

The total racists are using this shut down to push their troubling agenda involving a new Hitler.

Politician’s issuing press release saying they got arrested

People who want to PUNISH EVERYONE!!

Netanyahu drops the worst offense against Iran by running around tellin’ people they perpin

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Street Fight Radio - We induct Joe Camel into the Hall Of Fame

67:01 minutes (61.35 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

This week we covered

Boss’ day

Government started back up

obama putting chips in us and living on mars


what is the best thing you’ve stolen?

paper jacket’s

Joe Camel

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Tea Party meme extravaganza

63:10 minutes (57.84 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.

facebook is getting weird. like it or not that’s where it happens.

people accept a certain amount of carnage


The song this week was Thee Oh Sees - toe cutter thumb buster

the blitz schedule

check cashed monster truck

Giving up the idea of being edgy

why hammer on the same subjects???

--comedy is a place where absolute beginners believe they’re supposed to walk on stage and divulge all their thoughts about black people

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


Street Fight Radio - The History of 1791

70:14 minutes (64.3 MB)

Welcome, you are now tuned in to the greatest no gods and no masters side splitting Anarcho-comedy radio show, Street Fight. Every week at 8pm Brett and Bryan whip up a whirlwind of laughter powerful enough to dismantle the entire global governmental system.


Bootlegging is awesome

The flea market is the free market

Jobs aren’t even making it worth driving too.

you been getting paid ten dollars an hour and it was great but now you’re getting the equivalent of $7.86 now

The Anarchists Cookbook video

1791 jeans

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening and we hope you will continue listening to us as we journey towards anarchy in Columbus! The show is free to download and all we ask of you is that if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about it! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - We don't want voting, crack shaming, or forms coming into our lives

68:11 minutes (62.42 MB)

 Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Here’s this weeks topics

People are amped about voting again
Bryan voting
A restaurant can’t serve wine, no dad I want to serve wine
I dont even got the money to fill out the first form to do something I want to in this world

people love buying into politicians
There was a politician flare up

Student council
Helping write a writing a persuasive essay
$300.00 donation to charity

legacy of @dankmtl for best troll

The Strange Boys They’re Opening Up The Death Camps

borders - stone throwing kid got killed
I dont see them in dallas

man in the box
it sucks that the people making money in columbus wears board shorts
the blitz music

rob ford and crack

5 steps to anarchy dot com!!

Donations - podcasts aren’t actually sponsored by or anyone can sign up to that, they’ll pay you 6 bucks if you do, so we don’t want to do that Be like @RadCurmudgeon and @DavidBlizzard share when you’re listening.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Street Fight Radio - 11 14 2013 Radio for the broke

80:48 minutes (73.98 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 11 21 2013 Don't shop on black friday

69:53 minutes (63.98 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Happy Holidaze!!

66:17 minutes (60.68 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 12 5 2013 - A Very Street Fight Christmas

77:47 minutes (71.21 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

Brett’s Twitter

Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 12 12 2013 Stop Defending Darth Vader

75:09 minutes (68.8 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 12 19 2013 Drunk On Christmas Spirits

70:18 minutes (64.37 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Same Room Edition

60:25 minutes (55.32 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 1 2 2014 - It's gonna be a great year for Street Fighting

80:02 minutes (73.28 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 1 9 2014 You never started fighting the war on poverty

63:42 minutes (58.32 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Let's smoke water cigarettes!!!

62:03 minutes (56.82 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 1 23 2014 - we DO know jack

65:44 minutes (60.19 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

Bryan’s Twitter

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Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 1 30 2014 - The Street Fight State Of The Union

76:23 minutes (69.93 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 2 6 2014 - Us Against The World

77:52 minutes (71.3 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Uncensored Xmas

64:46 minutes (59.3 MB)

Here is a show that has taken way too long to release but that you will go nuts for when you hear it. The end had me crying while I was editing it.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Why Do We Have To Work All The Time?

82:35 minutes (75.6 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - The Bryan and Gwen show

64:20 minutes (58.91 MB)

This week on Street Fight Brett fell ill so our cohost is Bryan's daughter Gwen. It's a refreshing conversation with a spirited 9 year old that doesn't believe you can steal trash.
Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 2 27 2014 - Back to the Street Fighting

66:54 minutes (61.25 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 3 6 2014 - The Tea Party From Down Under

84:15 minutes (77.14 MB)

Welcome to Street Fight. Grab a beer or a bowl and join us while we laugh our way towards global dismantlement of the current governmental systems.

Thank you to Nordiq for the amazing theme song.

Thanks for listening, all we ask is if you listened and enjoyed it then tell someone about us! If you really want to help out the show we now have a donate button on our site! Consider us entertaining bums and tip accordingly!

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 3 13 2014 - 18 Ways To Be More Positive At Work

92:54 minutes (85.06 MB)

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 3 20 2014 - Drugs Can Kill You

Street Fight Radio - Jail = Owned

80:48 minutes (73.98 MB)

Bryan visited jail this week and it’s worse than we thought folks. We dream of a world with a $15 minimum wage and also say more bad stuff about the government.

Opening Song: Saintseneca - On or No

Closing Song: Freddie Gibbs - Thuggin

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 4 3 2014 - You can always riot your way out of student debt

61:47 minutes (56.57 MB)

We reminisce about the crisis actors and wonder if we might be able to still get into the profession.

Brett found out what all those Obamacare Ayn Rand memes meant when they said eventually you run out of other peoples money.

The Australian Tea Party is never short of outrages.

We remain skeptical that the supreme court allowing more money in politics is the nail in the already buried coffin that is american politics.


Darkside - Metatron

Cosmo Sheldrake

J Dilla - Workinonit

tUnE-yArDs - Water Fountain

Drumadics - Live NYC Subway 24th May 2013

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Got In A Street Fight

72:53 minutes (66.74 MB)

We’re just gonna enjoy the pizza eating turtles who do karate.

Burning the flag is the best freedom.

Undertaker lives on forever.


Pleasure Leftists - Elephant Man

Kevin Gates - Arm & Hammmer

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 4 17 2014 - one heck of a hootenanny

83:34 minutes (76.52 MB)

Bundy’s bein a Bundy.

Don’t start a race for the bottom in the commune.

Gambling is totally fun there isn’t anything deviant about it.


Kurt Vile - KV Crimes

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 4 24 2014 - I need a prescription for snortable alcohol

79:10 minutes (72.48 MB)

Powdered alcohol

Practical Utopia

Game Of Thrones is Sons Of Anarchy

Break Song

Leadbelly - Gallis Pole

End Song

? and the Mysterians - Stormy Monday

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 5 1 2014 - Welcome To The Lawless Beach

88:37 minutes (81.14 MB)

Galveston Texas the beach without rules

The zoo is just some creep who is torturing animals

Donald Sterling? Fuck ‘em

Break Song

Dolly Parton - Randy

End Song

Santana ft. Everlast - Put Your Lights On

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 5 8 2014 - Social Justice Warlords

93:40 minutes (85.76 MB)

Patton Oswalt the voice of Shrek has been eating too many turds and now he’s talkin shit

The Australian Tea Party continues their campaign against fast food

John Stossel throughout history

What’s the haps with your local illuminati?

Break Song

Ramblin’ Jack Elliot - Roving Gambler

End Song

Trey Songz ft. Nikki Minaj

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 5 15 2014 - Shootin the emoprog shit

81:42 minutes (74.81 MB)

Break Song

Hank Williams Jr - Whiskey Bent & Hell Bound

End Song

Z-Ro - Help Me Please

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 5 22 2014 - A Crash Course In Street Fighting

84:52 minutes (77.71 MB)

The emo prog army radio hour

Our terrible voting records

Miami Vice ruined a lot of lives

Drugs aren’t that glamorous

Break Song

Little Dragon - Paris

End Song

St. Paul and The Broken Bones - Call Me

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 5 29 2014 Back To The Warlording

94:33 minutes (86.56 MB)

Yes, all women

Toughen up kid

The Street Fight Reunion Documentary

Break Song

Death - Keep On Knocking

End Song

Without God - They Rot

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 6 5 2014 - Don't hog all the weed edibles Maureen

85:43 minutes (78.48 MB)

Maureen you are bad at doing drugs you need an experts help


Break Song

Louvin Brothers - Broadminded

End Song

Sasha Go Hard - Out The Bottle

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - live from Columbus

52:27 minutes (48.02 MB)

Street Fight Radio - Please Stop Doing This, World

87:53 minutes (80.46 MB)

Can somebosy who didn’t ruin Iraq be allowed to express some ideas?

Don’t try to stereotype us drug users we are a varied group

Shroomin in the city

Clean up the trash that’s in front of you before you complain about it somewhere else

Whole Foods uses prison labor

Break Song

Ty Segall - Finger

End Song

Vince Staples - Nate

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 6 26 2014 - Happy Commfest (cops you're not invited)!

81:48 minutes (74.9 MB)

Barack Obama you messed with the wrong social norm

Drinking is the greatest and the worst

Happy Comm Fest tell the police they aren’t invited!

For some reason we talked a whole bunch about food at the end

Break Song

Glass Animals - Black Mambo

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

street fight radio - 7 3 2014 - You Can't Have Birthday Cake Every Day

70:31 minutes (64.56 MB)

Hobby Lobby is a terrible healthcare provider

Why are do we celebrate a country we spend every waking hour complaining about?

Bryan makes an enormous discovery at his local nature preserve

We’re sorry but you won’t be eating Birthday Cake food anymore

Break Song

New Bomb Turks - Black Mambo

End Song

RAD - Don’t Call The Cops

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 7 10 2014 - Still The Most Childish Show On The Air

78:43 minutes (72.07 MB)

Anthony Cumia will see hard time for his hate speech on twitter

Palestinians are people

We explain what it’s like to see the world with the eyes of a child

Lebron James you have to write this great story for us

Break Song

Dusty Rhodes talks abour hard times

End Song

MACINTOSH PLUS - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 7 17 2014 - We Need To Get Rid Of A Few Million Pointless Jobs

88:13 minutes (80.77 MB)

Comcast cable will pay someone a ton of money to fight you if you try to cancel

Minimum wage for everyone means more time to play the violin

Comic books are moving forward how about we just remain thankful of that

We can’t legislate danger out of existence

Break Song

Dusty Rhodes talks abour hard times

End Song

MACINTOSH PLUS - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー

Please remember that the #1 anarcho comedy radio show on the planet works on a donation basis. Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 7 24 2014 - The Columbus Coalition Of Hard Conversations

81:12 minutes (74.35 MB)

Columbus to host both R. Kelly and straight white guy festival

Let the rural communities mind themselves

We’ll all feel a lot better once that Gaza strip wall is torn down

We’ve seen this movie, we do not want to have public tortur-cutions

Thank you Dave Blizzard and Matt Brady for donating

Break Song brought to you by @tell_a_van

Lee Perry & The Upsetters - Roast Fish & Cornbread

End Song

Next - Too Close

Thank you for tuning in and enjoying the show each week if you want to show your appreciation we do work on a donation basis and we’re currently working on a brand new website that costs money! Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards furthering insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 7 31 2014 - Brett Challenges Mike Rowe to a work off

76:08 minutes (69.7 MB)


Jesse Ventura is the rare breed of man that needs to keep his punched in the face cred

Mike Rowe never actually painted sewer walls brown or worked in a rotten cheese refinery long enough to resent it

White Entertainment is on the way

Thank you @guydebort and @brechett for chiming in 

Break Song

Trash Talk - Jigsaw

Street Fight Radio - 8 7 2014 - The Summer Of Terror Rolls On

72:52 minutes (66.72 MB)


Toledo needs some cap and trade to clean up this mess

Market Basket is the battleground for labor in 2014

Thank you @pobdoq, @JackalopeGuy, and @Dankmtl for chatting online with us

Break Song 

Heavy Cream - Prison Shanks

Street Fight Radio - 8 14 2014 - For all the people who are mad

84:44 minutes (77.58 MB)

Today we enjoy a favorite past time of Street Fight, yelling at every stupid thing we see happening.


Ferguson Missouri is standing up to business as usual

Bryan’s film Tie A Blue Ribbon will be directed by Clint Eastwood

These kids are gettin desperate for snacks

Thank you Chase and Morgan for donating

Break Song
Main Source - Just A Friendly Game Of Baseball

Thank you for tuning in and enjoying the show each week if you want to show your appreciation we do work on a donation basis because we’re currently working on a brand new website that costs money! Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards furthering insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 8 21 2014 - Yelling About The Cops In Ferguson

67:38 minutes (61.93 MB)

This week Brett attended beer tasting event before broadcasting so it goes from being angry about Ferguson all the way to being sad about not being able to interact with other people because of it.

The trees are vindicated as a just cause

The Muffs - "Weird Boy Next Door"

Thank you for tuning in and enjoying the show each week if you want to show your appreciation we do work on a donation basis because we’re currently working on a brand new website that costs money! Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards furthering insurrection.

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Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 9 4 2014 - We'll gladly change our name to ISIS radio

96:35 minutes (88.43 MB)

Brett is back and on fire!! Get ready for a hot HOUR AND A HALF of kickass anarcho comedy radio

Brett made the move from Dallas to Northern Virginia and he’s not sure this is the place for him

Bryan and Brett are already getting their ducks in a row for an eventual ISIS takeover

Weed and football are perfectly capable of getting along

This weeks song was brought to you by @greatUndoing

Dragging An Ox - "I don’t understand what you like about it"

End Song

Ty Dolla $ign - Irie ft. Wiz Khalifa

Thank you for tuning in and enjoying the show each week if you want to show your appreciation we do work on a donation basis because we’re currently working on a brand new website that costs money! Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards furthering insurrection.

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Street Fights Twitter


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Street Fight Radio - No allegiance to documents

1:16:43 minutes (70.23 MB)

To clear up the confusion we are not in ISIS...until we have to be

the virginia cops try to bust Brett stealing trash, if that’s even possible

We like the environment and hate filling it full of micro beads

We are the only dads who don’t listen to prog rock

This weeks song was brought to you by @greatUndoing

Carly Simon - Anticipation

End Song

Ty Dolla $ign - Irie ft. Wiz Khalifa

Thank you for tuning in and enjoying the show each week if you want to show your appreciation we do work on a donation basis because we’re currently working on a brand new website that costs money! Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards furthering insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Try something else besides beating your kids

1:10:05 minutes (64.17 MB)

Now is not the time for the NFL to carry the beating your kids flag

Waka Flockas blunt rolling job would probably be too much work

How Bryan has been touched by the Marley family

This weeks song was brought to you by @murderbryan

Money, Honey by Wyatt Blair

End Song

Ty Dolla $ign - Irie ft. Wiz Khalifa

Thank you for tuning in and enjoying the show each week if you want to show your appreciation we do work on a donation basis because we’re currently working on a brand new website that costs money! Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards furthering insurrection.

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Street Fights Twitter


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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Reynoldsburg Streamlined The School To Prison Pipeline

1:34:56 minutes (86.92 MB)

Reynoldsburg has decided to make their school into a prison instead of funding it

Latte Gate is here

Brett’s terrible tea party relatives are getting him down

This weeks song was brought to you by @brettpain

Truckload of Art - Terry Allen

End Song

John Forte’ - Let Life Begin

Thank you for tuning in and enjoying the show each week if you want to show your appreciation we do work on a donation basis because we’re currently working on a brand new website that costs money! Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards furthering insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - THREAT LEVEL RED

1:29:55 minutes (82.33 MB)

As the kids in Reynoldsburg continue learning under prison conditions we reflect on why in the hell you would ever base a teachers pay off their bad attitudes


Ebola is happening and ISIS is happening and we’re having a hell of a time figuring out which is which

Retiring sounds like the worst carrot on a stick they’ve tried to get me to pay for

This weeks song was brought to you by @brettpain

Old Crow Medicine Show - Mean Enough World

End Song

John Forte’ - Let Life Begin

Thank you for tuning in and enjoying the show each week if you want to show your appreciation we do work on a donation basis because we’re currently working on a brand new website that costs money! Every dollar or bitcoin you donate will go towards furthering insurrection.

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Our voice mail is 614-91-TRILL and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Stealing food is preventing waste

1:23:28 minutes (76.42 MB)

The Columbus Crew is now a Futbol Club that’s sponsored by BMW???

We all read the articles, that food in those grocery stores is going to waste we need to liberate it!

Even though our chances of getting ebola are zero it still creeps us out

This weeks song was brought to you by @brettpain

Flying Lotus - Moment Of Hesitation ft Herbie Hancock

Thank you for tuning in I hope you enjoyed the show! We really don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. So if you want to show your appreciation we work on a donation basis (just a little bit of the change in your pocket). We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - Burn A Flag For Ferguson an Interview With Drew From The Black Rose Anarchists Federation

1:25:51 minutes (78.61 MB)

The first half of the show is an interview with twitter favorite Drew aka @landfillpoet who was in Ferguson over the weekend with the Black Rose Anarchist Federation

Now that some security blankets (american flags) have been burned you can bet your ass the people benefiting from white supremacy are pissed

We close out the show talking about CVS being the new doctors office

This weeks song was brought to you by @maddie273

The Hours - Steady Glazed Eyes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - We May Not Believe In Hierarchy But Russell Brand Go To The Back Of The Line

1:28:51 minutes (81.35 MB)

Russell Brand is on the TV telling people not to vote, how come nobody called us?

Anarchy according to idiots

Are we really making people spend their entire grocery budget to pictures taken with celebrities??

This weeks song was brought to you by @brettpain

Hiromi - Dreamer

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - The Scariest Thing Is A Persons Sense Of Humor

1:36:02 minutes (87.92 MB)

Street Fight Radio - The Election was scarier than Halloween

1:25:40 minutes (78.44 MB)

@tell_a_van reminds us that Halloween is a battleground

The elections are happening which mean the BS is being thrown around

DC got legal weed who the heck knows what that even means

This weeks song was brought to you by @brettpain

Roscoe Robinson - You Don’t move me no more

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Tommy Kruise - Calm (feat JME)

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - The Lottery Has Been A Great Investment For Us

1:25:04 minutes (77.89 MB)

Millenials are also roofing and throwing your zappos boxes around, journalists

The lottery is only a bad idea to people who could be on Star Track

Is space worth bothering over?

Bryan reminds us of a blast from the very near past

This weeks song was brought to you by @MurderBryan

Natural Child - Country Hippy Blues

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - Steal From Work Until You Make A Living Wage

1:26:22 minutes (79.08 MB)

We can get all of our troops home if we just get them lottery tickets

We offer advice on not paying your bills

Health insurance can ruin your life

AAA Drug Testing Co is the only drug testing company that is guaranteed to never test your piss

If you're not getting paid enough try stealing from work

Doo Wop Singing

Smoking Weed And Listening To Rush Limbaugh

We Comment On Kim Kardashian & Too Many Cooks for @tell_a_van

We talk a walk on the Thanksgiving battlefield to look at the damage

This weeks song was brought to you by @MurderBryan

Del Shannon - Runaway

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

King Sunny Ade - Ma Jaiye Oni

Street Fight Radio - Ferguson Goddam

1:18:39 minutes (72 MB)

sorry for the poor editing but I had to get this thing out quick

Help us solve the mystery of why some Lonnie is willing to fight his Pantera group over a Miley Cyrus picture

Ferguson is in the news and you know we ain’t gonna keep quiet

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - We're Stealing Valor For Christmas

1:39:59 minutes (91.54 MB)

accroding to @buttdiamond Shoney’s doesn’t like a toilet full of waffles

Christmas is here and we’ve got a long list of demands

Stealing valor is a lot less harmless than being a soldier

Columbus’ piss makes it on the map

The break song was brought to you by @mikedelic

Mikedelic - The doanything kid

The closing song was brought to you by @murderbryan

Deftones, Far & Will Haven - Do They Know It’s Christmas

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - We Need Elves Just As Much As We Need Santa

1:20:58 minutes (74.13 MB)

This weeks topics include

There wouldn’t be a Christmas without elves

Black lives matter and so does support for the protests

The cops are a nuisance to most people

@benghaziexpert found out someone was using me as an example of why @MomsAgainstGam is corrupt

@Lowfashionlover shares a public restroom tip

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Mack Rice - Santa Claus Wants Some Lovin’

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - We're Not Joining The Fight For Propaganda Comedy

1:20:27 minutes (73.66 MB)

Is The Interview a brand synergy between Sony and The United States Government?

We can’t escape Reeses

Check out coinbase to cash in any tips we send your way

The break song was brought to you by @brettpain

Good Morning Blues (The Real Tuesday Weld Clerkenwell Remix)" by Count Basie And His Orchestra

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen -- Jimmy Smith (Oh No remix)

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - Merry Christmas We Had To Work

1:21:28 minutes (74.58 MB)

Super chill holiday special for all y’all. I’m up at 2am christmas eve finishing this up so this is all the description you’re gonna get.

The break song was brought to you by @brettpain

Good Morning Blues (The Real Tuesday Weld Clerkenwell Remix)" by Count Basie And His Orchestra

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen -- Jimmy Smith (Oh No remix)

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - Poor Dad Credit Dad

1:22:19 minutes (75.36 MB)

This week we talked about how great it is that the cops aren’t working, our excitement for all the new gaffs in the election cycle, why Chris Kyle is garbage, and how we can create insurrection in 2015

The break song was brought to you by @murderbryan

Bass Drum Of Death - Electric

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Sam Smith - Money On My Mind

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - Let's Stomp Out Fascism In 2015

1:09:09 minutes (63.31 MB)

This week we talked about the injustice of keeping all the good drugs at the pharmacy in a place we can’t get to them, the time to fight against fascism, Chris Kyle pooping in his pants and killing people taking away from his hero status, the old days of doing drugs, and a Cleveland Brown lookin motherfucker.

The break song was brought to you by @brettpain

Guy Clark Jr. - Don’t Owe You A Thang

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Sam Smith - Money On My Mind

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - Feed The People And Let Them Party

1:22:07 minutes (75.19 MB)

Osu made history so the cops had to punish people for celebrating too much.
Accusations of pedophilia towards Sia’s Elastic Heart is some lousy patriarchal bullshit.
How about they take our favorite products and put it in a place where we can get a handful of it.
Dystopia usually includes an opiate of the masses why don’t we have an opiate of the masses?
Reading has been my New Years resolution and I started with Preparing The Ghost which is great and you can own it for $10

The break song was brought to you by @brettpain

Sia - Elastic Heart

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Johnny Guitar Watson - Ain’t That A Bitch

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - Live From Our Wheelhouse: Elections, Drugs, And Parenting

1:21:35 minutes (74.69 MB)

Normal week of Street Fighting. We talked about the election hooplah as it starts to build and democrats get brave enough to start being proud of what some old guy called the president said again.

We try to make sense of the battle of the weed laws currently happening in Ohio

Street News report on the funky situation in the vents at a DC FYE

Middle class ladies and their favorite ways to powder their nose.

The break song was brought to you by @buttdiamond

Rainbow Canyon CB - Franklin County Woman

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - A Blizzard Of Dumb Ass Opinions

1:25:34 minutes (78.35 MB)

The snow is here which means people finally have their reason to be miserable about everything while cowards run and hide in warmer climates.

Prison planet writer was upset people were watching fake wrestling and not paying attention to their asinine reporting that the entire town of Sandy Hook faked a massacre

Brett encountered a working class person he wanted to scream at and demean this weekend.

The lady ghostbusters are here which means a lot of idiot dudes are as well.

The break song was brought to you by @brettpain

D’angelo and The Vanguard - Really Love

The closing song was brought to you by @murderbyran

Damn Valentines - Dance Away

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - Spread Around The Valor And The Cash

1:21:52 minutes (74.95 MB)

So tax refunds are here, Brett is mad they’re taking a $150 a paycheck just to get it back later. Also still mad that he can’t buy organic groceries anymore because he has to pay for healthcare now. Bryan needs a lump sum in order to stay alive and is now lobbying for a summer payout.

Brian Williams is getting hunted down for stealing valor but it sounds to us like someone else said some shit he never confirmed or denied.

Weed laws hoopla from informants getting killed in one state all the way to the government making too much weed money in other states.

Lots of wild anarchy shit at the end.

The break song was brought to you by @streetfightwcrs

Godsmack - I Stand Alone

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Rae Sremmurd - No Flex Zone

Street Fight Radio - Dedicated to some asshole

2:03:59 minutes (113.51 MB)

Brett’s tax refund ship sank before it ever came in

Generic brands are just plain mean

Bryan went to Monday night RAW and found the most insecure man in the city

The break song was brought to you by @thehellofreaks

The Hello Freaks - Universe

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Cannonball Adderlay - Love For Sale

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - Let's Demand A City Wide Snow Day

1:30:48 minutes (83.14 MB)

The cold is bringing out the venom in the Ohio State students. We agree, declare there should be a city wide snow day.

All we know about ISIS came from some persons blog or the lying ass mainstream media

Prison is the dumbest idea we can think of. Ruining a person's life is not beneficial to anyone.

The break song was brought to you by @amythystkiah

Amythyst Kiah - Darling Corey

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - We're Only Doing This Because The Economy Is Screwed Up

1:39:38 minutes (91.22 MB)

Most honest burglar award goes to the heating guy who can’t survive in this screwed up economy

Shooting people with guns is very far from human nature

People who love to share the violence of The Walking Dead with their children but get angry when there is a display of affection

The break song was brought to you by @russopassapusso

Russo Passapusso - Paraquedas

The closing song was brought to you by @real_trademark

Trademark Da Skydiver - Keep It 100

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - Choom In The Same Room

1:19:05 minutes (72.41 MB)

Talking about our favorite ways to smoke weed
Anarchy and comedy stuff.
Bill Demott the worst wrestling trainer

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Electric Citizen - Light Years Beyond

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Listeners Submissions

1:11:55 minutes (65.84 MB)

This week we did mostly stories submitted by listeners

thank you @buttdiamond for sharing your experience in Florida

big ups to @anti_luke for letting us know about the poor kid that got a break from a bank error and is now on probation

shout out to @davepangolin for letting us know about “the trails” in your area and the problematic nature of punk capitalism

thumbs up to @dankmtl for informing us about a real life footloose situation taking place in Canada

The break song was brought to you by @brettpain

Black Clouds

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Mikal Cronin – “ii) Gold”

Street Fight Radio - Fighting Through The Flu To Tell Off Rich Bastards

1:27:06 minutes (79.74 MB)

Brett made it through the flu and feels a whole lot weirder about the world

Racists are dumb enough to admit they’re racists

You don’t go to a wrestling show to get yourself over

How about everyone gets minimum wage

Some of the best generic food products on the market today

and so much more

The break song was brought to you by @davepangolin

Rocket Cathedral - Devil

The closing song was brought to you by @bpsycho1

Bpsycho - Somewhat gone

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - 2 Guys Without Jobs Complain About Work

1:41:24 minutes (92.84 MB)

Apparently we’re the only people asking “why would we even care what Bill Maher says”

Working is terrible for the human psyche

We are afraid of leaving our house because it costs so much money

The break song was brought to you by @murderbryan

Platinum Boys - Wild Child

The closing song was brought to you by @streetfightwcrs

Carolina Chocolate Drops And Joe Thompson - Dona Got A Ramblin Mind

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - If you want to change the world stop buying everything

1:27:51 minutes (80.43 MB)

The Indiana law has us torn between our hatred for bigots and government

What are your plans for the afterlife??

We don’t like government but we don’t mind taking away kids named Adolph Hitler

Sales is a terrible job

Reset the counter on the overdraft calendar, there have now been 0 days since the last accident

The break song was brought to you by @murderbryan

The Weeknd - Love In The Sky

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Leon Bridges - Better Man

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - Stop Looking In Other Peoples Carts

1:06:57 minutes (61.3 MB)

The mob of democrats and republicans are scrutinizing everyones cart at the grocery store

People in need of assistance are being denied flavor

There is no one who has ever been alive who’s time is worth $10,000 an hour

A CEO is just a terrible person who has a lot of money

Stealing is something we’ve come to terms with

The break song was brought to you by @robertglasper

Robert Glasper Experiment ft. Jill Scott - Calls

The closing song was brought to you by @petrol_girls

Petrol Girls - Restless

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - Street Fight brought to you by Bryan Quinby and @swarthyvillain

1:43:12 minutes (94.48 MB)

Of course there was lots of discussion about wrestling and MMA and Brock Lesnar

Political season is upon us and the guys shared their favorite gaffs

That moment when you’re nodding along with a libertarian then they say that kids are a commodity

and so much more! It’s a legendary episode of Street Fight now we gotta get him back because Brett is super jealous

The closing song was brought to you by @swarthyvillain

Freddie Gibbs - Pronto

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - The Apathetic Conspiracy Theorist

1:53:29 minutes (103.9 MB)

Elect more black female politicians to scare off the racists

Operation Jade Elm is taking over Wal marts

Chemtrails at the earth day concert to hypnotize us into believing the people creating global poverty will stop.

Brett the apathetic conspiracy theorist

Minimalist movie watching and getting money away from comic books

Kids are allowed to play wherever they want

Lots of other criminal things happening out there more important than skateboarding

Bryan chose a terrible song this week it’s the theme for ROH wrestler Michael Elgin

The break song was brought to you by @weareblackalley

Black Alley - Heavy Hitters

The closing song was brought to you by @murderbryan

Color Blind - Anarchy’s son

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - Baltimore

1:39:50 minutes (91.41 MB)

This week we talked extensively about Baltimore
We also talked about the agents of white supremacy online and how to address them
then at the the end we picked on nerds a little bit

The break song was brought to you by @streetfightwcrs

Nina Simone - Baltimore

The closing song was brought to you by @streetfightwcrs

Kendrick Lamar - King Kunta

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - It's Flea Market Season

1:36:07 minutes (88 MB)

This week we discussed

the flea market, our favorite underground market
bootleg items
respecting the flag
this months valor thieves

The break song was brought to you by @streetfightwcrs

Toro Y Moi - Empty Nesters

The closing song was brought to you by @streetfightwcrs

Kevin Gates ft August Alsina - I Don’t Get Tired

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - Cowboys Don't Need Resumes

1:38:39 minutes (90.32 MB)

This week we discussed

Getting a job and filling out resumes. A straight hour all about Bryan’s job hunt post graduation from OSU. Enjoy!

The closing song was brought to you by @samknight1

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Choke On This Solution

1:36:03 minutes (87.93 MB)

Street Fight Radio - From K Street To Main Street

1:53:38 minutes (104.03 MB)

This week we discussed

The build up of the election that feels like a glitch in creation
The hip young 50 year olds in the prez scene
Marijuana and the worst way to handle it brought to you by a terrible bill called responsibleOhio
Creating 100% purely patriotic version of classic hits

The Break song was Health - Stonefist

The Closing songs were

Chick Corea & Hiromi  上原ひろみ&チックコリア
Thundercat - 'Them Changes'
Kendrick Lamar - How Much A Dollar Cost
Kamasi Washington - 'Miss Understanding'
Donnie Trumpet & The Social Experiment - Rememory

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - Not For Wonks

1:27:29 minutes (80.09 MB)

Street Fight Radio - Summer Culture War Heatin Up

1:02:09 minutes (56.9 MB)

This week we discussed
The dumb thoughts rattling around the elders heads
Why we don’t trust people in robes making decrees
The insignificance of your opinion regarding someone else’s life
ISIS being the number one threat to July 4th this holiday according to xenophobes
The reason we want to be able to burn a flag in peace this July 4th

The Closing song was
Fatima – Technology

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - America Vs. God

1:37:21 minutes (89.13 MB)

This week we discussed

The constitution
The PC police saying we can't burn flags
America vs God where do you stand?
The alternative radio in our town isn't alternative to anything

The Closing song was

Blondie - Atomic

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Get Deodorized

1:36:03 minutes (87.94 MB)

This week we discussed
Fighting a parking ticket that you can not afford
You can hire us to be a reference on your resume
Stealing from the grocery store
Bryan shares terrible advice from someone on twitter
The tater box DIY nightmare
Using deodorant to show you're a man
Phil Anselmo from Pantera talks about
Talking to people instead of lecturing them
Bryan has a terrible no good very bad day
The Closing songs was
Hiatus Kaiyote - Shaolin Monk Motherfunk

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - The election infection is starting to ooze

1:34:23 minutes (86.41 MB)

This week we discussed

John Kasich and his history with Street Fight Radio
John Kasich and his fight against foul language and comical deaths in movies
How is the campaign music changing??
Dad’s talking about their hats
Donald Trump should be tarred and feathered
Only decency from here on out
Making the NFL more communist

The break song was

JD McPherson – North Side Gal

The Closing songs were

Future – Stick Talk
Kevin Gates f. August Alsina – IDGT
Dej Loaf ft Big Sean – Back Up
Migos – Pipe It up
Jamie XX f. Young Thug and Popcaan – I Know There’s Gonna Be Good Times
- See more at:

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - We Meet With The @Cannabarrister To Discuss Marijuana Legalization

1:23:37 minutes (76.56 MB)

This week our favorite California based marijuana advocate and lawyer Stefan BC sat down to discuss what marijuana legalization could look like in Ohio, what mistakes are currently happening with the current systems in place, how prohibition creates dangerous but legal alternatives, and what treatment should look like in the future.

Stefan is someone your mom would be proud to hear you are hanging around he is an incredibly smart and interesting fellow establishing himself as a top source for legalized marijuana information and advocacy. Please follow him on twitter or facebook and tell him thanks for sharing his time and opinion with us.

The Closing song was
Public Enemy Featuring Pete Rock - Shut Em Down Remix

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

Street Fight Radio - The Search For The One That Will Spank Us All

1:19:07 minutes (72.44 MB)

This week we discussed
John Taffer and the defending the american dream summit
More white guys doing mass murders in theaters
Bitter angry miserable people writing each other off
Why #AllLivesMatter is a joke
a poem about the police
growing old and being patient while enjoying everything
Rap music being fashioned in the same way as rock music

The Closing songs was
Tame Impala - Eventually

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,

Street Fight Radio - No More Common Sense

1:33:57 minutes (86.01 MB)

Capitalism had Brett's wife working super late so he screwed up the recording setup which means the audio is not our best. This is a rare occurrence of bad audio.
This week we discussed
Common sense

The Closing songs was
Mild High Club - Windowpane

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - We're The Lefty Kind

1:19:16 minutes (72.57 MB)

This week we discussed

Not being ancap or voluntarist at all but flying the red and black flag instead

Insurrectionist secret shopping

The break song was


The Closing songs was

MHz - World Premier

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Propaganda Can Be Used For Good

1:21:02 minutes (74.19 MB)

Street Fight Radio - It's A Good Time To Choose Anarchy

1:34:14 minutes (86.27 MB)

This week we discussed

Refugees, AEP, and harrassing police

The break song was


9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - We Comin For You Capitalism

1:31:27 minutes (83.73 MB)

This week we discussed
The pope's security
The marriage of Islamophobia and racism

The Closing songs was
Black Sabbath - Die Young

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We still pay management fees on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital plus there’s social media management and monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Caught up in a Dragnet

1:35:18 minutes (87.26 MB)

Street Fight Radio - Let Them All Vape

1:39:13 minutes (90.84 MB)

This week we discussed
Vaping and smoking and other wonderful topics.

The Closing songs was
Fats Waller - ain't misbehavin

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - The Resistance Will Continue

1:14:18 minutes (68.02 MB)

Donald Trump marches forward. Hillary Clinton is pushed to the front. If there’s one thing Street Fight is committed to it is not treating this process with any shred of respect. The people also have their desires. The elite are steering towards uncharted waters but fear not because we still have eachother. The resistance will continue.

The Closing song was

SADEVILLIAN - Silver Spoon (Seanh Remix)

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Redistribution Of Luxury

1:14:09 minutes (67.89 MB)

‘Warshipping’ the devil in the 21st century, the days when the TV was the only way to get funny clips, growing up like the little rascals, being in nature, redistribution of luxury, Batman V Superman V Christ, working people don’t give a shit about Easter, bulk candy, the Arnold classic destruction of toilet tour, and so much more.

The Closing song was

SHEER MAG - Nobody’s Baby

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Healthcare Emergency

1:19:05 minutes (72.41 MB)

Bryan has a dental emergency so Street Fight is thrown into the wild world of 24 hour pharmacies, bureaucracy, and laughing gas dens in order to find why in the hell this healthcare system is considered something to be proud of.

The Closing song was

Queen Latifah - UNITY

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Commercial Radio Is Impossible To Like

1:20:24 minutes (73.6 MB)

Modern days in radioland, Facebooks phone number, Commercial radio is a wasteland, Hanging up on people, a world without predators is boring, Fire Obama on facebook, nicknacks, puzzles, court, and more.

The Closing song was

Rhiannon Giddens - Shake Sugaree

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - CHUMP!

1:26:02 minutes (78.77 MB)

Donald Trump had to answer to the people of Chicago and they whooped the ornery right out of him! We talk about the people's power and duty to stop nonsense like Donald Trump on this edition of Street Fight.

The Closing song was

Portishead - Wandering Star

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Now Hiring: Guys named "Nads"

1:16:29 minutes (70.03 MB)

Local hard rock radio with Rover and Nads, capital punishment sends a pretty clear message, don’t fuck around in other countries, Hulk Hogan the sexual racist, Hugo Schwyzer runs with a bland gang, a vote for opting out of government coerscion, and husslin’ softball.

The Closing song was

The Suffer - Gwan

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Nobody Is Coming For Your Air Compressor

1:09:16 minutes (63.42 MB)

Bryan’s need for constant excitement, Brett shares his pride for his female side, terrorist bombings coverage, stop pushing on my head as I try to climb this “ladder of opportunity”, millennials are coming to get your stuff, some people are definitely too rich, Easter, and jobs not paying.

The Closing song was

Bully - Milkman

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - 3 26 2016

1:15:27 minutes (69.08 MB)

Street Fight Radio - Livin live!

1:15:27 minutes (69.09 MB)

Satan saves!, Our altercation with a slum lord, the people who claim public property, ridesharing is a disappointment, dive bars, shutting the party down with Led Zeppelin, hitching a ride, foiling a fast food robbery will not pay off, turning someone's lights off, only ONE guy was collecting pee.

The Closing song was

A Tribe Called Quest - 8 Million Stories

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - 3D Printing Bibles For The Troops

1:15:08 minutes (99.57 MB)

3D printing all your problems away, Guns got 3D printed first, Bibles for the Troops, they aren’t dood wipes they’re baby wipes, The Official Batman Vs. Superman review, Thank you Chapo’s Trap House, Selfies with terrorists.

The Closing song was

Big Mama Thornton - Let’s Go Get Stoned

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Bryan tries sushi

22:47 minutes (30.61 MB)

Bryan tries sushi for the first time, one of the rolls was a steak roll…, cheese sticks should be on the menu, why do Barbers need a license, shitty contractors, and as always we complain about work so you don’t have to.

The Closing song was

Quaaludes - Drool

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Weed Is For Winners

1:34:39 minutes (120.1 MB)

Bryan wants to run an experiment on Pantera increasing lifting power, the cost of physical labor is years off your life, the most evil supervillain of all time quits smoking but bums cigarettes, weed doesn’t make you a loser, meemaw and peepaw in congress talking about marijuana, there has been enough research on marijuana, some people aren’t comfortable with sobriety, newspapers sell lies.

The Closing song was

Merle Haggard - Sing Me Back Home

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Wrestlemania and The Chaos Theory

1:48:49 minutes (99.62 MB)

Joining gangs, the anxiety of pre-purchasing a movie ticket, The Chaos Theory facebook group, Bryan’s basement full of junk, Brett’s responsible living, WWE Wrestlemania, The MIZ is still the most hated, stopping your children from thinking they should be in charge, NXT show was the highlight of the weekend for WWE, and so much more.

The Closing song was

The Dead Kennedy’s - Police Truck

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Captain America is my founding father

1:23:14 minutes (76.21 MB)

The founding fathers are super heroes, We are not an AnCap radio show, Marvel Civil War will eventually be our history, We are conspiracy friendly but not to Alex Jones, The Clintons can’t be serious, The movie Zootopia is about the crime bill, Bryan’s meltdown and Brett’s triumph.

The Closing song was

L.A. Witch - Get Lost

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Help Us Find New Scams

1:16:22 minutes (99.92 MB)

We are actually proud of Bruce Springsteen for once, no one wants to be here when the ship crashes, having a truck is a license to print money, Bryan has inspired a black belt negotiator, Beer doesn’t always bring out the best in people, heavy metal and power tools, and some of our favorite burglars.

The Closing song was

Jackal - The Lumberjack

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - We Probably Shouldn’t Have A President

1:22:39 minutes (75.67 MB)

There isn’t any reason to think we should have a president, Bernie bros were yelling at people to share, punishment society, normie facebook, sit down Hillary Clinton, wages are so low, the system needs to be stopped.

The Closing song was

Lil Uzi Vert - Money Longer

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - 420 Smoke Session with Stefan the cannabarrister

1:34:24 minutes (86.42 MB)

We sat down and discussed marijuana policy and general drug doing with our favorite cannabis lawyer Stefan (@Stefan_BC on twitter).

The Closing song was

"Kush Cloud" w/ Krayzie Bone & SpaceGhostPurrp - Freddie Gibbs

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - No More Laws For Things That Don’t Exist

1:28:23 minutes (80.92 MB)

Bernie Sanders pulled a heel turn, Donald Trump’s 3 ring circus, the national conversation on drug use, everyone is an independent contractor, Vitamin B17, the not so mysterious case of the family that was executed in Ohio, people who’s only drug info comes from TV, the Target boycott, why are we making laws for things that don’t happen?

The Closing song was

Jessie Ware - “Taking In Water”

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Trashpeople Should Be Homeowners

1:16:39 minutes (70.17 MB)

Undercover Boss is just watching a commercial the descent out of drugs and in to cable TV // maybe *some* kids should be introduced to weed // trashmen and trashwomen should be homeowners // an end to salary wages // Ted Cruz got too slowed // ostracize the politicians we don’t like // Ted Cruz gets drug the fuck out.

The Closing song was

Sturgill Simpson - All Around You

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Krated

1:19:21 minutes (72.65 MB)

KRATOM! // Medical marijuana on the Ohio ballot in 2016 // the weed training guidelines // America the beer // we need a 20% rule // the extremely woke employees at the DMV // nationalize the Cheerios // Bryan goes to see Civil War //

The Closing song was

The Adicts - Viva La Revolution

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Dating While Awake

1:15:36 minutes (69.21 MB)

Working class hatred // How did reporters get like this? // Anarchists will not be supporting Trump // Anarchists are just looking out for everybody // Awake! dating //Brett is spreading the good word about chemtrails // The Sutterverse

The Closing song was

Chance The Rapper - Finish Line Drown (ft. T-Pain, Kirk Franklin, Eryn Allen Kane & Noname)

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Hanging out with @Anntieup

41:27 minutes (37.95 MB)

This week Brett sat down to hangout with activist and Ohio native @Anntieup! Enjoy, this is the first of more to come so please subscribe and let her know what you thought of the show!

The Closing song was

Drake - Still Here

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Experts In Bathroom Politics

1:16:23 minutes (69.93 MB)

Americans aren’t worth more // No faith in health inspections // Victorious Marriages // Myspace divorces // Hillary Clinton is negotiating against your interests // Bathroom politics // how to scam the bathroom boycotters // Kratom updates

The Closing song was

In Cold Blood - War Is Waged

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Anarchy & Marriage

1:24:58 minutes (77.79 MB)

Send us your favorite weed vids // Small time living in the underground // Now whales in pools // Myspace divorces // Anarchy and relationships // How do you stick to your politics and have a family? // No whining on Facebook // Don’t get tied up in franchises // $100 gets you a show with our wives on it.

The Closing song was

Gavlyn - What I do

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - The Lamborghini Library System & WWE Extreme Rules

1:47:10 minutes (98.12 MB)

Marvel did the best Civil War // Bryan wants the government to deal drugs // The Lamborghini library system // marijuana is the easiest way to get a search // Online harassment // On coke you have a plan // WWE Extreme Rules 2016

The Closing song was

The Corn Sisters - Too Many Pills

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Holy Street Fight

1:18:14 minutes (100.44 MB)

Chris Kyle is a valor thief // Who exactly is a valor thief? // Intense bible reading // The bible // Satan is cool as hell // Fighting Harry Potter // Turning babyface on the Christians

The Closing song was

Ceezar - Celebration

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Let's Go To The Comments

1:29:20 minutes (116.11 MB)

The gorilla // Nobody knows anything about gorillas // Sometimes an ultimatum takes 5 years to pay off // Human pups // Comical conservatives aren’t laughing // A flag almost touched the ground // how flags are made // The comments

The Closing song was

Propagandhi - Resisting Tyrannical Government

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Convince Me To Join America

1:12:59 minutes (94.44 MB)

Bryan is a Lyfter // Teaching our kids how to get hurt // Intellectual Takeout should be left on the table // Regular folks are racist // convince me to join America // We will be small time mayors

The Closing song was

ANOHNI - Drone Bomb Me

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Lootcrate Is A Nightmare

59:25 minutes (73.63 MB)

Uninspiring election // Let’s just pick one definition of cool // Lootcrate // The real cans of ecto cooler // Leave someone with 4 flat tires alone //

The Closing song was

Vic Mensa - 16 Shots

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Grant Me Sovereignty

1:18:58 minutes (105.57 MB)

The first Street Fight LIVE // Dating // Sovereign Citizens // Jaywalking // They turn pigs into gelatin in Nebraska too // Voting for the centrist while wearing khakis and socks and flip flops and drinking an MGD 64 // Loser CK

The Closing song was

Times New Viking - My Head

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Arica and Katy show

1:10:05 minutes (70.67 MB)

Our wives are the sweetest people // Professional Wrestling // Ohio traffic brings out the worst in people // Paying to wear jeans at work // Hobo vs. bum // fighting the cops with noise ordinances // Aricas dating stories

The Closing song was

The Judds - Grandpa, Tell Me Bout The Good Old Days

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - The Moth On The Moon

1:18:38 minutes (102.19 MB)

Gypsy Moth // The death of a young tree // No more Manhattan projects // Bees // Moon landing // We want to see Area 51 //

The Closing song was

Funkadelic - Can You Get To That

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - 21st Century Stunt Men

1:16:41 minutes (103.4 MB)

// Getting picked up by a tornado // 21st Century Stunt Man // 3rd shift freaks listen to the radio too // #TrumpSoPoor // Former Olympic game experts now know politics // Smelling salts // Kratom chat //

The Closing song was

Wavves - Convertible Balloon

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Join Us On Flat Earth

1:24:02 minutes (110.2 MB)

// The nightmares have started again // The lost city of Atlantis // Flat Earth // Flippant skeptics // Brexit // Refusing to celebrate the 4th // Presidents who apologize // The Red Cross poster //

The Closing song was


9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Permacorp

1:15:37 minutes (99.5 MB)

// Permacorp // Work // Bus Driver Fights Off Poison Attack // Tim Tebow The Healer // K2 and Spice //

The Closing song was

The Chi-Lites - (For God's Sake) Give More Power To The People

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - The Most Egregious Independence Day

1:18:15 minutes (93.43 MB)

// Quake Energy // Going on Disability For Thetan Count // Chemtrails May Be Big Pharma // The Most Egregious Independence Day // The Worst Boss //

The Closing song was

Buck Owens - Act Naturally

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Stop Taking Hillbillies Jobs!

1:20:55 minutes (102.36 MB)

// Panicking on weed // Calling the ambulance // They are taking hillbillies jobs // We want vape juice now that it’s illegal // Kratom chat // WWE didn’t want that Guardians Of The Galaxy stink // The Final Deletion happened //

The Closing song was

Sunflower Bean - Come On

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Curb Ball Season

1:20:24 minutes (109.61 MB)

// Bryan, our CEO hung a “problematic” sign in our HR office // Glenn Beck is our role model // Black Lives Matter protests // Rollin on molly at a protest // #DarkFacebook // Stop the police // Summer games // Curb Ball //

The Closing song was

Terry Callier - Johnny Be Gay If You Can Be

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Abandoned Chocolate Milk

1:14:31 minutes (96.24 MB)

// A quadruple dip cable bill // Cracked phone screens // Phone fixers are our modern day mechanics // The abandoned chocolate milk // Pirating throughout the ages // Action movies & The Purge // Spicy wings //

The Closing song was

Sturgill Simpson - In Bloom

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Republican National Convention 2016 Day 1 Coverage

1:07:58 minutes (91.51 MB)

// The America First Rally Alex Jones // Bryan visited the Republican National Convention // Jay Leno is a biker // We got the same inbred royal family in america as in england // Obama is already on his way out // False flags // Less regulations on our amusement parks // Don’t get attached to $9 an hour //

The Closing song was

Leroy Carr - Sloppy Drunk Blues

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - DNC Wrap Up

1:20:40 minutes (107.78 MB)

// Philthy Philadelphia // Standoff with the DNC soldiers // The Donald Trump rally in Columbus 8/2/2016 // Flat earthers // Peter Thiel wants your blood // Lootcrate is for junk //

The Closing song was

"Walked In" feat. Travis Porter & Boochie

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - The Most Disgusting Food of 2016 (so far)

1:15:00 minutes (101.53 MB)

// We are now officially professional people who fuckaround outside // The worst fast food brought to you by @DoktorBuzzo // No more steak life // Cheesecake Factory // Trump the carnie // Copaganda // Prison food // Getting outside of the atmosphere // False Flags //

The Closing song was

Municipal Waste - Sadistic Magician

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Get Your Government Out Of My Pool

1:22:49 minutes (107.1 MB)

// Olympics are shameful // Stay out of our dumpster pools, government // The fall of Donald Trump // The evil Russians are not scheming against me // Who is the real Alex Jones??? // Flying around the flat earth // Alex Jones admits he was Bill Hicks // We are gonna whoop some ghost ass this October //

The Closing song was

Flight of The Flamingo
from Bright Moments by Flamingosis

Bright Moments by Flamingosis

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Too Much Working

1:06:28 minutes (84.93 MB)

// Drinking pop // Paying for school supplies // Too much working // HIllary on her DEATH BED?!!?! // Populist president // STOP SNITCHING on tokers // Battle against the grocery stores //

The Closing song was

Rob $tone - Chill Bill ft. J.Davis & Spooks

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - We Wanna Know About UPA’s

1:12:58 minutes (92.05 MB)

// Flat earthers in Government // Our official response to the new Chemtrail propaganda // Challenging systems of power // Let us know about UPA’s // Burn the nuclear codes // Prison work stoppage on September 9th //

The Closing song was

Red Fang - Number Thirteen

Murder The Mountains (Deluxe Edition) by Red Fang

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - The WeeGee Board

1:14:24 minutes (102.03 MB)

This week we discussed

// A Monkey got loose in a Lancaster Wal-Mart // Exotics pets // The WeeGee Board // People who couldn’t burn their Ouija board // Make sure you summon the right ghosts //

The Closing song was

Lydia Loveless - Heaven

Real by Lydia Loveless

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

If you like what you hear it’s very simple to Subscribe To Our Show and have it delivered to your itunes,
Stitcher Radio, iphone, android, windows, and if you still can’t find a solution get a hold of us using the info below

Street Fight Radio - Conservative Values That Pay

1:14:59 minutes (101.13 MB)

This week we discussed

// Chemtrails are a bad excuse for doing drugs // Bryan tries to get paid to poll for Frank Luntz // Actually, we love common core // Throw all the kids in a zoo // Bryan’s conservative spirit // Getting paid to yell what you're angry at // Private debt collectors // Don’t pay your bills, be a job creator //

The Closing song was

X Gon Give It To Ya

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Gambling On The Downfall Of Society

1:11:22 minutes (98.57 MB)

This week we discussed

// Chemtrails are a bad excuse for doing drugs // Bryan tries to get paid to poll for Frank Luntz // Actually, we love common core // Throw all the kids in a zoo // Bryan’s conservative spirit // Getting paid to yell what you're angry at // Private debt collectors // Don’t pay your bills, be a job creator //

The Closing song was

The Avalanches - The Noisy Eater

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Poor Some Out For Kratom

1:16:22 minutes (98.36 MB)

This week we discussed

// Kratom becoming illegal // Police intimidation at concerts // Sitting for the national anthem // Love for America is slipping // Hillary Clinton killed JFK Jr // Gary Johnson // Terrorists really want chicks //

The Closing song was

Jason Isbell - Speed Trap Town

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Alternative Realities

1:12:28 minutes (89.8 MB)

This week we discussed

// Alternative Realities // Chemtrails // The snow is catching on fire // Let me hang off the edge of an airplane to see the Contrails // The ghost shows have diluted the danger of ghosts // Grave robbing organs to get stoned // Talking to the devil // People screaming their head off in a rideshare //

The Closing song was

Minority Threat - Protect And Serve

Culture Control by Minority Threat

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - The Philly Cops Hire Nazis

1:16:58 minutes (103.75 MB)

This week we discussed

// You can’t be both for and against the USA // We could be a lot more disrespectful to the anthem // The nazi cop in Philly // Gotta stop welcoming nazi // Nazi is just the type of person for the job of cop // Racist cop does some online satire // Grandma is getting kicked out of her tree house // You don’t own your property //

The Closing song was

A$AP Rocky - Everyday ft. Rod Stewart, Miguel, Mark Ronson

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - iLLuMiNaTi KiLLeRs

1:32:02 minutes (127.99 MB)

This week we discussed

// Keeping track of all your memes // When you get caught dabblin in flat earthery // Most believable conspiracy // Getting paint thinner out of the cereal // Thomas Jefferson Vs The Illuminati // Making your own money // Hooligans at Burning Man // Whooping a ghosts ass // Werewolf people // Conservapedia vs Marijuana // Conservapedia guide to Conservative media // Wreck It Ralph fights Communism //

The Closing song was

Dreezy - We Gon Ride ft. Gucci Mane

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Human Eyes Dehumanize With Humanize

23:23 minutes (31.7 MB)

This week we discussed

// HIllary Clintons health // Hillary is a science fiction project gone wrong // Humanize track everything you do at work // Black metal politics in Norway // The police stole money from someone who had a knife // Safe consumption sites for addicts // Drug dealers protected by the government //

The Closing song was

Allah-Las - Busman's Holiday

Allah-Las by Allah-Las

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - The Mysterious Mystery Of UVB-76

18:05 minutes (25.02 MB)

This week we discussed

/// UVB-76 // The Illuminati’s role in UVB-76 // Let us sleep when we are best // Scamming work numbers is the key to success // Golf Cart people vs Go Kart people // What about our EMT’s // The 9/11 Mattress Incident //

The Closing song was

Margo Price - Weekender

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - No More Hostile Architecture

1:29:20 minutes (116.3 MB)

This week we discussed

// #ALTINF // The shut down of The Dakota Access pipeline // Interacting with the government // The cops are killing people and not taking responsibility // Hostile Architecture // Presidents should be punched in the stomach // Hillary Clinton got bars // Vacationing as the black sheep // Mike Rowe’s fascist America // Pocketless Jeans //

The Closing song was

A Tribe Called Red Ft. Northern Voice - Suplex

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Operation Midnight Climax

1:14:17 minutes (95.79 MB)

This week we discussed

// Operation Midnight Climax // You should let people know when you give them LSD // Paranoid governments // Staley Road and all the ghosts and satanists that live there // Getting prepared //

The Closing song was

Sade - When Am I Going To Make A Living

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - The Real Illuminati and The Frogman

1:43:31 minutes (127.99 MB)

This week we discussed

// Library system for fold up chairs // The real Illuminati in Italy // We are still pro secret society // Bryan is becoming a conspiracy theorist // A ghost story from @filmigirl // The Goat Man bridge // What’s the best type of ghost? // Ohio cryptids // Loveland Frog //

The Closing song was

T-Rextasy - Gap Yr Boiz

Jurassic Punk by T-Rextasy

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


1:29:22 minutes (95.69 MB)

This week we discussed

The plosives are terrible on this one

// The Open Minded Voter Mailer // Election breakdown // we are stuck in this together // Blue Apron is not a safe place // taking advantage of temps // unsafe working conditions // Some cop is doing the darkest irony // Texas sheriff working for the CIA //

The Closing song was

The Abigails - Black Hell

Songs of Love & Despair by The ABIGAILS

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - End The Bigfoot Genocide

1:34:02 minutes (98.61 MB)

This week we discussed

The plosives are terrible on this one

// Kevin Owens gets his recognition in government // Why is the government hiding bigfoots? // The Ghost Butlers // Have you ever visited a place where bigfoots live // Jakes Lock // Listener @alsoconnor Ghost Story // Spain got rid of the government //

The Closing song was

Stompin' Tom Connors - Sasquatch

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Free Pizza And Beer For Moving

1:29:48 minutes (94.78 MB)

This week we discussed

The plosives are terrible on this one

// Cops are arresting celebrities // Hillary Clintons emails are boring // You get free pizza and beer for moving // Glenn Beck support Hillary // Tom Delonge investigates aliens // Harvard Strike // 35k is living wage // Blue Apron //

The Closing song was

The Grateful Dead - Friend Of The Devil

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Just Say No To Drug Treatment

1:26:33 minutes (93.73 MB)

This week we discussed

The plosives are terrible on this one

// We join the Grover Norquist distinction // Bryan denied the Taco Bell // Stealing from the self checkout // Wiping dog shit off shoes // The ramifications being Anti-transgender // New Street Fight Hall Of Famer // Conservative icon Aaron Lewis // Brett’s medical emergency //

The Closing song was

E-40 "Zombie" Feat. Tech N9ne & Brotha Lynch Hung

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


STreet Fight Radio - Do something funny, clown.

1:05:13 minutes (70.5 MB)

This week we discussed

// A conspiracy theory Big Brother program // Do something funny, clown // The philip taylor kramer issue // Stealing coats // Bryan’s newest ticket //

The Closing song was

Horrorpops - Ghouls

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Street Fight vs DEATH

1:06:59 minutes (57.05 MB)

Street Fight Radio has been raising hell against some of the most evil organizations in the world. From The US Government and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to Lootcrate and Ball Earthers. We have taken on all comers and built a home with the corpses of our enemies. When you send that many bankrupt souls to their maker you have to start wondering which one of your enemies will attempt to vanquish you. Brett and Bryan never sit and wait for a fight and this October was no exception.


This Halloween, Street Fight Radio went to war with the spirit world and come out as not only the greatest anarcho comedy radio show in the universe but as brave warriors willing to face the most dangerous enemies of all, ghosts. We travelled to several remote sites known for hauntings in Ohio and faced the cowardly apparitions in their own territory. We challenged them in ways that a ghost has never been challenged.


We investigated

The Staley Road ghost, he murdered some people and he makes cars act funny.

The sad woman at the confederate cemetary


A guy who keeps working even though he is dead


This is the audio from our live show at Kafe Kerouac in Columbus, Ohio on 10/29/2016. If you would like to see the performance you can watch it on the vimeo app which is available for most devices and gaming consoles. Listeners who donate $5 a month to our Patreon campaign will receive all live videos absolutely free.

visit to view the trailer

Street Fight Radio - Let's Make Black Friday Red

1:19:21 minutes (65.17 MB)

This week we discussed

// Living off other peoples deals // The big box stores are terrible citizens // Employees stealing // Low Wage jobs // Monkeywrenching //

The Closing song was

Foxy Shazam - Freedom

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - We Would Love To Be Paid To Protest

1:24:56 minutes (66.53 MB)

This week we discussed

// Mexico vs USA soccer game // The republican pigs who are currently in orbit // These protesters are definitely not paid // We are all gonna make it through this // Partys will not save us // The accelerationists won this election // Our first carnie president // The Columbus dump Trump rally // Wisdom teeth stories //

The Closing song was

Dead Prez - We Need A Revolution

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Patriotic Motorcycle Heroes

1:14:25 minutes (59.21 MB)

This week Brett and Bryan did some vicodin before the show

// Someone Got Called Out For Stealing Sons Of Anarchy Valor // Joining Clubs Usually Sucks // Work Is Squeezing Way More Out Of Us // Blowing Work Off And Never Thinking About It Again // 3rd Shift Customer Service Should Get Hazard Pay // More Stealing From Work Stories // Let Robots Take Cops Jobs // Shoplifting Stories //

The Closing song was

The Coup - I Love boosters

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Columbus Got Spurlock’d

1:22:49 minutes (63.43 MB)

This week Brett and Bryan talked

// The Red Guard Of Austin, TX // Trumps Revolution Turned Out To Be Just More Republican Draculas // Josh Barro Likes The Taste Of Boots // Columbus Got Spurlock’d // Our Favorite Moments In Time Theft // Big Piles Of Money // Fighting Back Against The Start And Stop Time At Work //

The Closing song was

Off! - Red, White, and Black

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - WE FOUND CAMPERS!!!

52:22 minutes (56.37 MB)

This week Brett and Bryan were on the road! This is our audio from Wednesday night!

// Early black friday shoppers // Hardcore Deal Hunters // Old Navy could be commie clothing // Letting the moth man into society // WE FOUND CAMPERS!! // How did conspiracy people fall for Donald Trump?? //

The Closing song was

Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings - Big Bulbs

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Lemonade Stand Privilege

1:30:17 minutes (72.56 MB)

This week Brett and Bryan recorded one show. Next time you get the Make Black Friday Red live show audio.

// Wishing we could travel // The bottom of the barrel sales jobs // Making connections with people in the Trump era // Brett’s first DSA meeting // Bootleg restaurants // Lemonade stand privilege // One more comedian for the scrap pile // I need to work again //

The Closing song was

Low - Blue Christmas

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Make Black Friday Red LIVE show

1:05:05 minutes (58.54 MB)

This week Brett and Bryan give you the Make Black Friday Red live show audio. You can watch the video on vimeo! If you are a Patreon subscriber I sent out the codes to get the live show for free!

// Recorded 11/26/2016 at Kafe Kerouac in Columbus by Belltree Productions. //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - No More Overtime

1:31:06 minutes (74.23 MB)

This week Brett and Bryan bring to you

// The box per month lifestyle // Flipping out on drugs // The effects of the overtime law // Losing benefits as you work for a company longer // There is no moral person sitting at the board // Labor is in a bad place // There is no reason to work this much //

The Closing song was

Shonen Knife - Space Christmas

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - The Gemstone File

1:34:23 minutes (75.99 MB)

This week Brett and Bryan bring to you

// The Newest Street Fight Business Plan // Do What’s Bad For Business // Hallucinogens // The Alt Inf Of Science // Millennials Love Their Barely Hangin On Lifestyle // The Gemstone File Is The Key To Everything // Who Is The Octopus? // Reader Question: How Do We Confront Ugly Opinions IRL?? //

The Closing song was

Dolly Parton - Hard Candy Christmas

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Donald Trump Believes Wrestling Is Real

1:29:07 minutes (70.72 MB)

This week Brett and Bryan bring to you

// What’s The Daily Life Of A Nazi Like? // Inside the Nazi Meme-O-Sphere // Help Everyone // Fracking Town Crime Hells // We Didn’t Vote So Now We Complain // Donald Trump Believes Wrestling Is Real // The People’s Justice Project And Summer Policing In Columbus //

The Closing song was

Pearl Bailey - Five Pound Box Of Money

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street fight Radio - Everybody Is Refilling A Slow Leak

1:39:22 minutes (79.63 MB)

This week Brett and Bryan bring to you

// Everybody Is Filling A Slow Leak // In the Future People Will be Flying Motherfuckers // When No One Gives A Shit About Decorum // I Don’t Usually Agree With War // The Flat Earth Ice Wall Is Melting // Bryan Is Better Than That // Leave Your Doors Unlocked // Living On A College Campus // More Public Restrooms // Jeff Foxworthy’s 12 Days Of Christmas //

The Closing song was

12 Redneck Days of Christmas by Jeff Foxworthy

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Hold The Wheel And Drive Over Sheeple

1:43:14 minutes (82.71 MB)

This week Bryan returns!!

// Giving over North Market to a company // The story of the Christmas toothache // Serial Killer Box // Making Everyone Work // Can price control people?? // Nobody will perform for Donald Trump // PRESIDENT Trump // Incubus existed in the world before memes //

The Closing song was


9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Even More Tales Of Time Theft

1:38:34 minutes (76.21 MB)

This week was a big juicy 90 minute episode

// Using Societal Camouflage To Effect Change // Versace’s Racism And The Code Words For Black Shoppers // Every Class Of People Is Fucked Up // No Playing Around In The Airplanes // When Your Boss Shows Up To The Hospital To Talk About Work // Who Doesn’t Like You At Work? // Local Celebrity At The Call Center // More Tales Of Time Theft //

The Closing song was

Danny & The Darleans - Bug Out Bag

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Stay Out Of My Personal Country

1:20:13 minutes (64.55 MB)

This week we talked about

// Missiles On Flat Earth // Selling Copper For Money // Government Interference In Adventure // Do People Actually Win The Lottery?? // Quackery // There Is Nobody To Vote For // Our Personal Country Extends Five Feet From Us //

The Closing song was

Buffalo Springfield - Mr. Soul

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - The Service Draft

1:17:55 minutes (61.69 MB)

This week we talked about

// More Than The Chili’s Customer // The Service Draft // More Intellectual Takeout On Disrespect // Doctors With Bad Opinions // Flyest JNCO’s // Safe Spaces Are Not Sweeping The Nation //

The Closing song was a listener submission from Lauren

Taylor Girlz - Steal Her Man (ft. Trinity Taylor) #StealHerManChallenge

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Don't Tug At The Threads Of The Tapestry Of Life

1:18:26 minutes (62.09 MB)

This week we talked about

// More Than The Chili’s Customer // The Service Draft // More Intellectual Takeout On Disrespect // Doctors With Bad Opinions // Flyest JNCO’s // Safe Spaces Are Not Sweeping The Nation //

The Closing song was

ZZ Top - Gotsta Get Paid

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Gotta Meet Those Metrics

1:30:34 minutes (70.53 MB)

This week we talked about

// Crushing Cans On Facebook live // Civil Rights is back babies // The Worst Companies In The USA // Gotta Meet Those Metrics // The Extravaganza // Wells Fargo is Useless // Ripping Off Bank Of America //

We will also be recording a live podcast at Kafe Kerouac in Columbus, OH on 2/9

The Closing song was

Greensky Bluegrass - Burn Them

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Best Of 2016 Audio Version

1:11:51 minutes (68.25 MB)

This week we were in DC for our live show! Video will arrive next Monday 1/30.

// This show is actually the audio from our best of 2016 video we did for the patreon subscribers. Enjoy it! Our full report from DC will be the next show you get. //

We will also be recording a live podcast at Kafe Kerouac in Columbus, OH on 2/16 at 8pm

The Closing song was

Priests - New

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - All We Need Is More Rocket Scientists

1:22:20 minutes (75.48 MB)

This week we we did a full report of the Trump Inauguration and #J20. The live show will be available

// People Too Busy Trying Not To March // The Women’s March // Street Fight In The Badlands // The Necessity Of Public Transportation // Democrats Should Be Petty // Everyone Should Be Rocket Scientists // What We Saw On The Ground In DC // The Time To Act Is Now //

We will also be recording a live podcast at Kafe Kerouac in Columbus, OH on 2/16 at 8pm

The Closing song was

Wingnut Dishwashers Union - Fuck Shit Up

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - A Blizzard Of Special Snowflakes

1:05:08 minutes (55.02 MB)

This week we talked about

// Dweebs Like Slayer // The Right Way To Protest // Picture Me Rolling Through A Red Light // Fuzz Buster Will Get You Busted By The Fuzz // The Black Bloc And Fighting Back // Childhood Hustling //

We will also be recording a live podcast at Kafe Kerouac in Columbus, OH on 2/16 at 8pm. Admission is free.

The Closing song was

P.O.S. - Thieves/Kings

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Conservatives Just Want A Spanking

1:21:50 minutes (74.82 MB)

This week we talked about

// Solidarity Over Everything // There Is Promise In Those Streets // Recent Protests // Amiri King Wants People To Be Meaner To Orphans // Republicans Think The President Is Their Dad // Meme News // Protest Reports //

We will also be recording a live podcast at Kafe Kerouac in Columbus, OH on 2/16 at 8pm. Admission is free.

The Closing song was

MDC - Born To Die

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - 2 6 2017

1:09:21 minutes (65.58 MB)

Street Fight Radio - The Devil Made Me Value Labor

1:17:59 minutes (69.58 MB)

This week we talked about

// Lady Gaga’s Satanic Halftime Show // Satan Is Where The Fun Is At // Trump Bits // Worker Walkouts //

We will also be recording a live podcast at Kafe Kerouac in Columbus, OH on 2/16 at 8pm. Doors at 7pm. Admission is free.

The Closing song was

I Ain't Got No Home In This World Anymore - Woody Guthrie COMETH (Remix) featuring Kid Benz, ShowYouSuck & Auggie the 9thCOMETH (Remix) featuring Kid Benz, ShowYouSuck & Auggie the 9thCCOMETH (Remix) featuring Kid Benz, ShowYouSuck & Auggie the 9thOMETH (Remix) featuring Kid Benz, ShowYouSuck & Auggie the 9th

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Restaurants Without The Abuse

1:05:47 minutes (63.57 MB)

This week we talked to Aubrey Sitterson from the Straight Shoot podcast about

// General Strike Report // Restaurants Without The Abuse // How Do You Feel About Masks In Public // The Police Should Have A Harder Job // How Do We Feel About Yelp // More BOSS Burger Beat Down //

We will also be recording a live podcast at Kafe Kerouac in Columbus, OH on 2/16 at 8pm. Doors at 7pm. Admission is free.

We will be live in Chicago Thursday 3/2 at Township bar.

The Closing song was

Centavrvs - El Punto Final

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - 24 And The Legacy Of CTU with Will Menaker

1:22:31 minutes (77.74 MB)

We talked to Will Menaker from the Chapo Trap House podcast about 24 Legacy

// 24 Reveals Our Most Patriotic Fears // When You Have To Torture Your Family // Killer Teen Terrorists // Veterans Get Fucked Over // When Criminals Get Patriotic // The Real World Implications Of 24 // Our Favorite Moments //

We will also be recording a live podcast at Kafe Kerouac in Columbus, OH on 2/16 at 8pm. Doors at 7pm. Admission is free.

We will be live in Chicago Thursday 3/2 at Township bar. Doors at 7pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets at

The Closing song was

It's Great To be (feat. Bilal Salaam) [prod. Chris Keys] by Quelle Chris

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Allergic To Paperwork

1:05:57 minutes (66.45 MB)

This show was recorded live at Kafe Kerouac on 2/16. The audio was bad.

// Trump In Japan // When Bryan Had Breast Cancer // IWW Bowling // Laverne Cox And Mettalica And The Super Bowl // Metal Has Gone Conservative // Daily Life //

We will be live in Chicago Thursday 3/2 at Township bar. Doors at 7pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets at

The Closing song was

Broken Open (feat. Michael Travis + Kat Factor) by The Human Experience

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - The Right to Play Korn At My Desk

1:09:51 minutes (71.34 MB)

This show was recorded in the attic holding on to the mics. A first for us.

// What Music Can You Play Out Loud // White Men Can’t Understand Beyonce // Dreamtheater Endorses Donald // General Strikes // Jaron Thomas Rally And The Racist Police // Cops Reporting To White Men //

We will be live in Chicago Thursday 3/2 at Township bar. Doors at 7pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets at

The Closing song was

My Ticket Home - Spit Not Chewed / Teenage Cremation - Audiotree Live

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - The Department Of Sanitation And Policing

1:33:26 minutes (76.8 MB)

This show we talked about

// What Happened To Jaron Thomas? // Mixed Use Box Style Living // The Police Aren’t Chipping In // The Cops Should Be Fired More Often // Kids Squealing // Might As Well Just Make A Better World // Trading In School Lunches For Guns // Why Is It Legal To Know Someone Is Betting On You //

We will be live in Chicago Thursday 3/2 at Township bar. Doors at 7pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets at

The Closing song was

Funky Snakefoot by Alphonse Mouzon

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Unlicensed Hair Cut

1:18:37 minutes (75.85 MB)

// Kayla The Snitch Doll // We just Can’t Manage To be Private // Heaven Is Living In the Break Room // Flat Earth V. Board Of Education // Famous Flat Earthers // Unlicensed Hair Cut // Covering Up a Nuke With Drugs //

We will be live in Chicago Thursday 3/2 at Township bar. Doors at 7pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets at

Free show in PIttsburgh, PA on 3/19 at Spirit.

Street Fight Radio - Street Fight With The Youth

49:35 minutes (46.03 MB)

This show Bryan talked to his daughter and niece

// Twenty Year Olds Outgun Kids Slime // LGBTQ Rights // The Rally For Jaron Thomas // Donald Trump //

We will be live in Chicago Thursday 3/2 at Township bar. Doors at 7pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets at

Free show in PIttsburgh, PA on 3/19 at Spirit.

The Closing song was

Kyle feat Lil Yachty - iSpy

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Purple Lives Matter

59:42 minutes (56.06 MB)

This show we talked about

// The Uber CEO // Never Paying Your Credit Card Off // Punisher Cops // Purple Lives Matter // 49000 Gram Of Pot // Playing With A Concussion // Making A Celebrity Lift A Heavy Load //

Free show in Pittsburgh, PA on 3/19 at Spirit.

The Closing song was

Daniel Romano - Middle Child

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Revolt Live Show In Washington DC

1:21:09 minutes (73.2 MB)

This show is the audio from our live show in Washington DC

// Sovereign Citizens // Protest Highlights // District Sentinel Radio Joins Us On Stage // Chapo Trap House joins us on stage //

Free show in Pittsburgh, PA on 3/19 at Spirit.

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Bryan And Dankmtl

1:04:58 minutes (88.42 MB)

Bryan and Dankmtl talk about

// Weed Sales In Canada // Bikers In Canada // Trash Picking // Fast Food Jobs // Opiate Addiction // Pour One Out For The Homies //

Free show in Pittsburgh, PA on 3/19 at Spirit with Chapo Trap House.

Closing Song - Godsmack - Voodoo

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Burgerville Heats Up

1:23:05 minutes (76.52 MB)

Bryan and Brett talk about

// The Drug Epidemic On Social Media // Microdosing Jeff Sessions // We Are Dealing With Vermin // Icing Out SXSW // Stealing Slipknot Valor // Burgerville Heats Up //

Free show in Pittsburgh, PA on 3/19 at Spirit with Chapo Trap House.

Closing Song - Kool A.D. - Fuck That featuring Killer Mike

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Inaugural Street Fight Mail Bag

30:55 minutes (24.68 MB)

Bryan and Brett answer questions from the email this week

// feel free to email us streetfightradio at gmail dot com //

Free show in Pittsburgh, PA on 3/19 at Spirit with Chapo Trap House.

Closing Song - Cool - Joyce Moreno

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Cowboy Decorum

1:16:15 minutes (68.41 MB)

Bryan and Brett talk about

// Politics Ruins Everything // You Get Used To The Discomfort // Cowboy Decorum // When The Politicans Masks Slip //

Free show in Pittsburgh, PA on 3/19 at Spirit with Chapo Trap House.

Closing Song - Sunflower Bean - Life’s A Gas

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Long Live The Meat Man

1:30:33 minutes (82.61 MB)

Bryan and Brett talk about

// The Uline Manifesto // We Are Anti-Poison // The President’s Salary // A Good Brand Will Get You Better Healthcare // Small Business Crisis // Religious Fast Food // The Meat Man Is Robin Hood // The Nonexistent Lunch Break //

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!

Closing Song - Angela Perley & The Howlin' Moons

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Protecting You From Your Freedoms

1:05:57 minutes (62.56 MB)

Bryan and Brett talk about

// Popular Mechanics For Oppression // Keeping People In Pens // Your Bad Teen Has Probably Been Doing Betel Nut // Anarchist Road Repair // Porn Is Doing The Government’s Job // Playing Around With Snakes //

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!

Closing Song - Harriet Tubman - Blacktal Fractal

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - What A Hell Of A Way To Get In A Street Fight

1:19:49 minutes (78.54 MB)

Bryan talked to Francis from the What A Hell Of A Way To Die podcast

// Follow Francis on twitter @ArmyStrang // Find his podcast on Soundcloud, itunes, stitcher and more //

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!

Closing Song - Godsmack - I Stand Alone

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - An Egalitarian Flat Earth

1:07:57 minutes (56.53 MB)

Bryan and Brett talked about

// Dystopian Fiction And Control // hayden panettiere has some questions about the sky // Socialism And Flat Earth // Brett Doesn’t Agree With The Monopoly Changes // Rowe Will Sing While You Work To Death // Good News From The Smoking 2 Year Old //

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!

Closing Song - Modern Life Is War "Fuck the Sex Pistols"

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Mike Rowe Wants You To Sweat

1:20:39 minutes (67.39 MB)

Bryan and Brett talked about

// Breakfast for Dinner // The Mike Rowe sweat pledge //

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!

Closing Song - Michael McDonald - I Keep Forgettin'

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is


1:15:51 minutes (64.6 MB)

Special guest episode

// On this bonus show Bryan sits down with Felix from the Chapo Trap House podcast //

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!

Closing Song - Freddie Gibbs - Alexys

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 4 5 2017

1:18:12 minutes (75.79 MB)

Street Fight Radio - The Discourse Collective

1:31:27 minutes (69.37 MB)

It’s 3rd show time!

//This week Bryan talked to The Discourse Collective //

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!

Street Fight Radio - Make Robots Our Slaves

1:16:17 minutes (65.62 MB)

Brett and Bryan talk about

// Put An Ipad In Your JNCO’s // We Like Bank Robbers // How To Get Wealthy on $7 // Free Stuff // We Lose When Blue Bloods Win // Robots For Evil // Downloading Yourself Into A Computer //

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!

Closing Song - Jay Reatard - Don’t Let Him Come Back

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Friendship Is Just Like Grains

1:11:06 minutes (68.8 MB)

Brett and Bryan talk about

// The Facebook Marketplace // Damn The Skills We Need The Money // Pence Can’t Be Trusted To Not Sexually Harassed // Demographic Issues // Friendship Time Credits // Old School Means Nasty And Ignorant // Small Business Pro Wrestling //

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!


9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Wrestle Chat With Carol Ann Benovic

56:48 minutes (42.62 MB)

Brett and Bryan talked to Carol Ann Benovic about

// The Rock // Wrestlemania 29 // Undertaker vs undertaker // The New Day //

Follow Carol on twitter

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!

Closing Song - Bullet With Butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Chronic The Hemphog JNCOS’s

1:08:02 minutes (59 MB)

Brett and Bryan talked about

// Chronic The Hemphog JNCOS’s // The Government Can’t Intervene Correctly // Golfing Prez // How Do You Kick Someone Off A Plane? // Columbus Police Brutality // Call Center Positions //

Street Fight Radio will be live on 4/20 with special guest Matt Christman at Treebar in Columbus, OH!

Closing Song - The Mad Doctors - The Ballad Of Jort Dad

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Four Twenty with Stefan BC

1:01:19 minutes (45.87 MB)

Brett and Bryan talked to Stefan The Cannabarrister about

// Why we love weed // Outlaw Dispensaries // Micro Dosing // Michigan Weed Laws // Mushrooms //

Closing Song - Purple Ribbon All Stars - Kryptonite

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Bootlickery

1:06:57 minutes (67.03 MB)

Brett and Bryan talked about

// The Yellow Shirt // Bootlickery Of Mike Rowe // Mike Rowe’s Turning Poor People Into Green Energy // The Snitching Dilemma // Trading In Your Body For Money //

Come hang out with us at Electric Kanna Karnival in Clio, MI

Get Tickets Here ->

Closing Song - Faces - I Wish It Would Rain

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street fight Radio - Muddy jeans

1:15:23 minutes (64.25 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// College Is A Carnival // Getting Out Of a Piss Test // From Injured To Homeless // Cruisin For A Bruisin // Weed Is Great // The Muddy Jeans // Filling Up Our Dreamboard //

Come hang out with us at Electric Kanna Karnival in Clio, MI

Get Tickets Here ->

Closing Song - TV On the Radio - Walking The Cow (Daniel Johnston cover)

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Unlicensed Mathematics

1:17:15 minutes (72.37 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// Our Trip To Pikeville // The Mexican Mafia And Indian Princesses // Giving Up The Spreadsheets For A Hammer // The Minimum Wage Surcharge // I Need A Big Donut Sample //

Come hang out with us at Electric Kanna Karnival in Clio, MI

Get Tickets Here ->

Closing Song - Sampha - (No One Knows Me) Like The Piano

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Gym Bag Valor

1:24:24 minutes (80.76 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// Karaoke Song Choices // How To Not Advance In the Company // No Dirty Dishes Before Bedtime // Bossing Around // Forever 21 Steals Valor // Driving Through Red Lights // Downtown Race Car //

Come see us live in Chicago on Sunday JUNE 4 at Mahall’s!

Closing Song - Tripping Daisy - Rocketpop

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - No Ballbusters Zone

1:08:13 minutes (66.92 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// Strolling For Exercise // Waiter Races // Put More Power In Bartender’s Hands // Happy To Wake Up With 45 In Office // Being Uncool About Immigration // Oregon Racism //

Closing song - Mystic Djim & The Spirits - Yaoundé Girls

Closing Song - The Names of Things
by Karen & the Sorrows

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Piss Pig Grandma

1:11:18 minutes (66.32 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked with Brace aka @PissPigGrandma

Closing Song - Pink Reason - Borrowed Time

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Unintellectual Property

1:04:09 minutes (62.45 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// You Don’t Own What You Buy // When Things Become Obsolete // Let Us Open Up The Phone // When The Worm Rose To The Occasion // Mural In SoHud // Voter Intimidation UK Edition //

Closing song - Deerhoof - We Do Parties

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Let The Tv Be Your Guide

57:38 minutes (49.11 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// A Tribune Of Shitty Opinions // CENSORED // How The Mafia Handles ISIS // Lose Your Hand If You Get Too Greedy // GoFundMe Healthcare //

Closing song - No Age - Brain Burner

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Keep The Policing To Yourself

1:05:08 minutes (55.53 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// Making Boobs Better // The Buzzkillers // Cops Getting Drunk On The Job // Get Your Bootlegs At BAM // Brow Beating The Vote // Pro Bono Work For The Government //

Closing song - Dungen - Vara Snabb

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - ComFest 2017 At The WCRS Booth

47:39 minutes (51.4 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// COMFEST 2017 //

Closing Song - Erika Hughes & The Well Mannered - On The Run

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Holy Craft War

1:09:06 minutes (58.39 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// Robby Hobby Lobby Is Waging Holy War // The Creation Museum Could Use A Cracker Barrel // Are Aliens Trying To Kill Us // Civilians On Patrol // Extreme Diving For Terrible Treatment // The Freedom To be Radical //

Closing Song - Good Riddance - Nobody Likes A Cynic

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Double Dog Dare You To Sell Weed

1:37:53 minutes (96.38 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// Young Sad Bryan // Running On Brain Stem // Columbus Police Greatest Hits Summer 2017 // Sit In At Rob Portman’s Office // The Police Should Stop Doing Their Job // Does Space Suck? // Income Tax Court // Double Dog Dare //

Closing Song - Lindi Ortega - Run Down Neighborhood

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - First Live Call In Show

37:52 minutes (52.53 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio

// we did our first live call in show! Enjoy! //

Closing Song - Woods - Moving To The Left

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - The Disruption Is Working

1:24:17 minutes (87.09 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// McCain Would’ve Got Us Trumpcare // Business Wins In The End // Uline Hope And Change II // The Disruption Is Working // Dudebro Activism // There Is Room For Reform In The Movement // Is It Okay To Work For Oil? //

Closing Song - Revolution Void - Double the Daily Dose

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Get Yourself An Axe

1:23:12 minutes (86.75 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// Anti-Racism Is A Threat // Helicopter Rides // Civil Asset Forfeiture // The Anti-BDS Law // DARE Stories //

Closing Song - ICP - My Axe

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Sam Knight Fight

1:18:52 minutes (59.83 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio Bryan talked to Sam Knight from the District Sentinel about

// Get Away From DC // Radical Politics And Childhood // Free Money In The Mail // Shrooming your Nuts Off //

Closing Song - merle haggard - good afternoon

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Foxconn Is Hiring

1:17:43 minutes (124.2 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// Don V Kim // Done Been Sovereign Citizen // Have A BBQ On A RoundUp Farm // The Mark Of The Beast // Gold Ain’t In Anymore // The Working Class Ladder // At School OR At The Pool //

Closing Song - Cardi B - Bodak Yellow

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes



1:30:01 minutes (105.08 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we did a call in show at WCRS studios

// Military Recruitment // Prom Promise // DARE Acronym // Charlottesville //

Closing Song - Cathy Don’t Go

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Starting And Quitting Drugs

1:47:01 minutes (128 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we did a call in show at WCRS studios

// Straight Edge Trying Drugs // Fake Mushrooms // Kratom Saves Lives // NOLYMPICS LA //

Closing Song - COCAINE & CRACK by McGruff The Crime Dog

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - No Room In The Holy Helicopter

0:44 minutes (718.16 KB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we did a call in show we talked about

// Change The Name Of Everything // If You Take Money Out Of The Ground You Pay The Cost // Olsteen Is A Bad Carnie // Maybe The Anti-Fascists Are The Fascists // Talk Shit Get Hit //

Closing Song - Future Nuns - Taking Out The Trash

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - The Trump Youth And A Blast From Bryan's Past

1:34:06 minutes (128 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we took calls from the WCRS Studios

// Boy Scouts Of America // City Vs Country People // Lakes // OSU Windows // A Surprise Guest From Bryan’s Past //

Closing Song - Downtown Boys - A Wall

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes



1:43:36 minutes (128 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we were in the basement bunker to talk about

// DACA Protests // Church Of Non-Believers // FOP Boosters Valor // Satanists Not So Terrifying After-all // Collecting Souls // Police Been Crazy //

Closing Song - Marilyn Manson - The Reflecting God

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - No Blood For Beer

1:18:00 minutes (81.29 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about

// The Sheer Mag Show // Assuming The Worst // Columbus Cops Back To Being Thugs //

Closing Song - Drive By Truckers - What It Means

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Sandwich Executive

1:07:18 minutes (71.58 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we gathered in the basement to talk about

// Juggalo March Recap // The Daily Life Of Neo-Nazi // Pro-police Pizza // Jimmy John’s Executives Club // Sickening Sandwiches // Non-Tangible Benefits Of McDonald’s //

Closing Song - Sheer Mag - Suffer Me

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Top Moments In Satanic Panic

1:17:26 minutes (80.16 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we went to the basement to talk about

// Top Moments In Satanic Panic // The Curse Of Eggbert // The Murderer On Oprah // Pi Pizza Got Radicalized // Police Are The Safest Citizens // South Dakota Debtors Prison //

Closing Song - Ini Kamoze - Here Comes The Hotstepper

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - The Bloody Mouthed Troop (Call In)

1:20:42 minutes (100.15 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio we took calls for 2 and a half hours!!!

// Horrible Cars // The University Of Chicago Protests // Wisdom Tooth Lore // Fix A Flat Tire // The Bloody Troop // Anarchist Book Fair // Getting Busted In Buenos Aires // Small Business Shouter // Backing Out Of The Military //

Closing Song - Downtrodder - Happiness As Property

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

street fight radio - SJW’s Win The Battle For Football

1:05:31 minutes (60.68 MB)

On this episode of Street Fight Radio Bryan screwed up and recorded the whole thing on his tinnyass laptop speaker

// The Great Disingenuous Football Protest // The Freedom To Not Be Allowed To Use Your Freedoms // Older Kids Trick Or Treat // The Marijuana Brownie Emergency // Turning Down Time And A Half // A&F Discrimination // //

Closing Song - Junior Senior - White Trash

The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

street fight radio - Call Up Drew Toothpaste

1:05:31 minutes (60.68 MB)

On this episode of we invited Drew Toothpaste from The Worst Things For Sale and Toothpaste For Dinner into the WCRS studios to help us take calls

// Get Your Podcasting Supplies At Church // Dirty Casinos // Bryan Against MADD // Donut Festival // Playing With Raptors //

Closing Song - Kompressor - K Is For Kompressor

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - DON’T HOLD MY DAMN CHECK

1:05:04 minutes (67.07 MB)

On this episode we went down to the basement to hatch a plan against the banks

// Birthday Celebrations // Don’t Hold My Damn Check // Broken Cheap Detector // The Maker Of The Check Rules // Rich Guy Money Problems //

Closing Song - Lavender Country - Waltzing Will Trilogy

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Ring-A-Ding-Ding

1:38:25 minutes (128 MB)

This is not the call in show from last night. It’s from the week before. Sorry for the delay.

// Phoney Baloney //

Closing Song - Bone Thugs N Harmony - No Surrender

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Bryan's Takin Calls Ova Here

1:36:10 minutes (128 MB)

On this episode Bryan was all alone in the WCRS studio taking calls

// Wildfire Report // Doing Live Shows // The Swarthy Villain // Small Business Zealot // // Unpopular Music Opinions // Kumars Comes In With An Assist // CIA Tears // Smoking Weed // Stoge Stevens Listens To Bryan’s Problematic Story // Why People Worship Satan // ROTC Hussle // Moneyless Society //

Closing Song - Oats by Tall Friend

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes



1:32:15 minutes (128 MB)

On this episode Brett and Bryan answered calls from the Free Press studios

// The Banks Gain Immunity // Indianapolis Has A Confederate Problem // Overdrafting // Ronald “the Devil” Reagan // Fieldy Found God // The Ultimate Asshole // Executive Sous Chef // The Truth About The Banks // Grove City Canvassing // The Cannabarrister Needs Advice // Make Your Own Bootleg Shoes //

Mid-Song - NIN - Head Like A Hole
Closing Song - Rainbow - Gates Of Babylon

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Nobody Respects The Troops

1:31:56 minutes (92.09 MB)

On this episode Brett and Bryan head to the basement to talk about

// Attorney General’s Plan For Opiates // People Know The Speed Limit // Drug Courts // Why People Use Painkillers // The Cops Aren’t Teachers // Military Science Class // Loving The Flag //

Closing Song - Refused - New Noise

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Support Your Local Beer Nerd

1:35:50 minutes (128 MB)

On this episode Brett and Bryan took some rosin and some calls in the WCRS Free Press studios

// Correction about EMT // It Is Safe To Listen To Podcasts And Operate Heavy Machinery // Feelings Circle // Christian Hypebeast // Being An Echo Tech // Addicted Brother // Goin To Boston // The Gamestop Credit Snafu // Beer Wars // Art Bell Talked To Area 51 // //

Middle Song - Hunx & His Punx - Lovers Lane
Closing Song - Coheed & Cambria - Welcome Home

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - To InfinitySN And The Racist Beyond!

1:21:59 minutes (81.51 MB)

On this episode Brett and Bryan went to the basement to spit all over the floor and talk about

// Socialism Speaks To The People // Infinity SN // Keep Cops Out Of Sex // Being Honest With Kids // Shout Out To Pizza Delivery Drivers // Driving Doesn’t Pay //

Closing Song - The Exploited - Son Of A Copper

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 12 Servings Of Fruit

1:35:16 minutes (128 MB)

On this episode Brett and Bryan took calls from the studio but Bryan got dizzy and had to call it quits early

// FEMA Aid // Potted Meats // Sexual Harassment // Housing Activism In Colorado // Stopping Construction // Shutting Off Cable For A Week // Is TV Rotting Your Brain? // // JR Knows Tough Love // Misogyny At Work //

Midway Song - Cheap Time - Modern Taste
Closing Song - Cloud Nothings - Stay Useless

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Exploitation Exoskeleton

1:11:53 minutes (72.59 MB)

On this episode we hit up the basement to talk about

// No Carrying In The Kitchen // Exploitation Exoskeleton // The True 8 Hour Work Day // Independence USA // Conservutopia // El Rushbo //

Closing Song - Lil Keke - Chunk Up The Deuce ft. Paul Wall & UGK

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Illegal Stickers

1:19:42 minutes (78 MB)

On this episode, we hit up the basement to talk about

// Everyone Named Terry // Giving Gifts // Fighting On Thanksgiving // Working 95 Hours A Week // Government Hair Cuts // Disorderly Conduct From A Sticker // Researching Flat Earth //

Closing Song - Takuya Kuroda - Green And Gold

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - 4 Soft Hours Of Call Ins

1:35:28 minutes (128 MB)

On this episode, we are once again in the Free Press studios to take calls

// Soft Hour // Leave The Leaves Alone // Fake Time // Lying On Your Resume // Doing Chores // Tip Your Delivery Drivers // Pizza Delivery // Planetarchy // Selling Free Water // Vaseline In A Sock // JeffWood’s Hands // //

Middle Song - Lavender Country
Closing Song - Pansy Division - Homo Christmas

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes



1:17:44 minutes (77.68 MB)

On this episode, we are spitting on the basement floor and talking that talk

// Egalitarian Fashion Choices // Disrupting Uline // Fight The Man // Steeped In Misogyny // We’re Better Than Matt Lauer // Bryan Is Worried About The Internet // You Better Pay Up On Christmas //

Closing Song - Kacey Musgraves - A Willie Nice Christmas ft. Willie Nelson

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Stand On Your Desk And Shout

3:28:30 minutes (277.96 MB)

On this episode, we are talking call from the Free Press studios on WCRS FM

// Pedophile Shaming // Workers Rights Abuse With @EoinHiggins_ // The Politics Of Talking Back // No More Holidays If You Don’t Work For Free // Claiming Your Education As Income // Stoge Stevens Fights Back Against Bedmaking // Screaming At Women // Stealing From The Working Man // Break Those Small Rocks // What Is Outside The Bounds Of Reality? //

Middle Song - Kasey Chambers - On A Bad Day
Closing Song - Sia - Puppies Are Forever

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Dare To Go Bare

1:16:40 minutes (74.6 MB)

On this episode, Brett had a back injury so we recorded laying down on the couch.

// Brand Reps // Let Your Feet See The Outside // Keep Your Feet Clean // When Your Injury Fucks Up The Schedule // The Company Doctor // Pilots Won’t Fly // Pence The Snitch //

Closing Song - Langhorne Slim - Deck The Halls

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Calling All Misfits

1:12:43 minutes (105.08 MB)

On this episode, we took calls

// Earning Deals Not Money // Platinum Beverages // Holiday Gift Let Downs // Job Personality Test // Wendy’s Training Video // Fuck Busy Work // Sleeping In Boots // Sitting In Front Of The Enemy // Social Justice Organizing //

MIddle Song - Deftones, Far & Will Haven - Do they know it's Christmas? & Korn - Kidnap The Sandy Claws
Closing Song - Total Massacre - War On Christmas (World Is Over)

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


1:20:19 minutes (81.41 MB)

On this episode, we laid down on the couch to talk about

// Powering Through Injury // What Type Of Bad Employee Are You? // Constantly Changing Rules // We Need Bad Employees // Help With Kratom //

Closing Song - 69 Boyz And Quad City DJ's - What You Want For Christmas

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is


46:39 minutes (62.83 MB)

On this episode Bryan took calls with Grove City Erika (@ChillingSeymour) and Steve Orange (@almighty_prismo)

// Pro Wrestling Talk // Chuck E Cheese Door Policy // Providing A Platform // Ever Been Fired? // CBD chat // Sam From Distric Sentinel Is Great // As Big As Your Dad Returns // Stefan BC Calls In // It Could Be $15 // Tenant Organizing // Columbus Pizza // Super Bowl Hatred //

Closing Song -
Swingin’ Medallions - Double Shot Of My Baby’s Love

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


1:04:09 minutes (59.32 MB)

On this episode Bryan talked to his daughter Gwen about

// Rambling // Cheapness // The Porno Store // Schoolwork // Hunks // Wrestlers //

Closing Song -
Kendrick Lamar - Humble

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - WE ARE ALL THE SAME MEAT

1:36:08 minutes (96 MB)

On this episode Brett and Bryan descended into the basement to talk about

// Wrestler Bods In 2018 // Free Tokens // Cross Pollination Of Internet Sub-Cultures // Barbie Shows // Make Vaccines Easier // Traffic Lights Are A Great SUGGESTION // Trump Bonus // The Paychecks Are Going Down // Tim Horton’s Punishes Employees For Minimum Wage Law //

Closing Song -
Champion Jack Dupree & King Curtis: Junker's Blues (live at Montreaux 6/17/71)

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - SEX AND DRUGS TALK

1:45:13 minutes (144.55 MB)

On this episode Brett and Bryan couldn’t record their live show because of tech issues

// Weekend Tantrum // Sex And Drugs Talk // White Boy Wasted // The Live Show Debacle // Guitars Are Dying // Celebrity Culture // What To Do When Your Twenty // Orc Cop //

Closing Song -
Battles - Megatouch

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is


1:26:22 minutes (86.2 MB)

On this episode Brett and Bryan couldn’t record their live show because of tech issues

// Banishment // Snow Daze // Bryan The Rodeo Clown // Missile Silo Living // The Bicycle Rack “Offense” // Bryan Is A Bike Evangelist // Cigarettes Are Harm Reduction //

Closing Song -
Highly Suspect - Viper Strike

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Stack And Packs For Everyone

1:26:11 minutes (84.84 MB)

On this episode we successfully recorded a show without any errors, we talked about

// Regulated Weed In Denver // The Weed Social Experiment // Uranium One // The GOP Beat // Hell Is Doing Hard Work // These Communists Out Here Don’t Want To Work Harder // Everyone Is Just Mediocre // More Socialist Dystopia // //

Closing Song -
The Easybeats - Friday on My Mind

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Erowid Radio Hour

2:51:43 minutes (226.85 MB)

On this episode we took phone calls again!

// Them Middies // Keepin Up With The Kayfabe // Improvised Bowls // Getting Wasted To Wind Down // Can I Get Two Grilled Cheese For Free? // Abusing The Return Policy // Janitor Gigs With @Asbigasyourdad // Go Wash The Parking Lot // How Do I Make Time For Creative Stuff? // Earbud Update With @Shitprole // Drug Charges In Arizona // Teaching At Public School // I Don’t Want To Go To Another Shitty Country // Legalized Weed Changes In California // Meetup At The Street Fight Show //

Opening Song - John Holt - Police In Helicopters

Break Songs - The Fabulous Thunderbirds - Tuff Enuff
Kurt Vile - KV Crimes
GG Allin - Carmelita

Closing Song -
Dead Kennedys - California Uber Alles

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Loadie 4 Life

1:17:33 minutes (74.11 MB)

On this episode we were in the basement

// Geek Football // Freedom To Accumulate Bank Fees // Get Out Of Jail Cards // Stoner Gangs //

Closing Song -
Shame - Concrete



Thank you for tuning in to the show. We've been going for 6 years now demanding that everybody chill out and party. No gods and no masters we are looking to get rid of unnecessary authority wherever we find it. We also don’t want to fill your head full of ads for shit we don't care about so we don’t do any on our show. That's why all of our audio is absolutely free. We want everyone to hear it. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation basis. You can sign up for a monthly donation at Patreon or do a one time at Paypal. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol and eventually we will but right now we can’t. We pay management fees, social media management fees, and audio hosting costs. So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards financing our continued insurrection.

All of our live performances are available on Vimeo. Send us a DM if you want a discount code. The money goes towards equipment rental plus staff and performer pay.

We also sell shirts and merch. Limited runs and made in the USA.




2:39:23 minutes (207.12 MB)

On this episode we were in the WCRS studios taking calls

// Infomercial For America // The Big Guy Calls In // Using Privilege To Create Disruption // Talking About Meat With Vegans // The Lime Challenge // Feel Bad For Having The Dream Job // China Is Most Socialist // Regional Basketball Co-ops // How Do I Not Get Burnt Out? // Home Schooler Calls In // Church Life // Nicest Guys In Podcasting // Iowa Show //

Middle Songs -
Dollar A Day - Ryan Bingham
Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson - I Can Get Off On You
Black Sabbath - Snowblind

Closing Song -
Tony Braxton - You’re Makin’ Me High

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


1:51:15 minutes (107.37 MB)

On this ep Brett and Bryan are in the smoky basement with spit all over the floor talking about

// Kratom And Weed Recovery // Act Like People On TV Or Die // Strict Compliance Or Strict Defiance // Rich People Literally Denying Access // Police Protection Racket // The Cops Are The Bad Guys // Flimflamming As Retirement // “No Safe Spaces” // Mattress Firm Is In The Laundry Business //

Closing Song -
Lauryn Hill - Mystery Of Inequity

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Employee Association

2:59:58 minutes (230.63 MB)

On this ep Brett and Bryan took calls in the WCRS studio

// An extra $1.50 A Week // We Fixed A Problem Live On Air // Ice Fishing In Minnesota // Feeling Guilty For Making Money // Street Fight Bosses // Ohio Deli // OSU The Underdogs // Letting The Rats Out Of The Cage // We Get Shitproled // Trader Joe Employee Association // Broken Blender // Lonely Dudes // Mangelo And Big Guy Meet Up // YDSA Fight For $15 // Keeping Up With The Kayfabe // Not Liking Good Things // Fast Food Served Slowly //

Opening Song
Korn - Porno Creep

Middle Songs
Danzig - Until You Call On The Dark
OFF! - Over Our Head
Alex Williams - Little Too Stoned

Closing Song -
REO Speedwagon - Ridin’ The Storm Out

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - 2 16 2018

1:31:54 minutes (101 MB)

Street Fight Radio - Stand With Amanda

3:28:50 minutes (275.75 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett took calls

// Playing With Toys // The White Supremacist Problem // Anti Racist Action At University Of Nebraska // Let Amanda Have Her Tips // When A Job Switches It up On You // The Tipping Policy // We Love Cross Fader Magazine //

Middle Songs -
Digable Planets - Rebirth Of Slick (Cool Like Dat)
The Hotelier - Your Deep Rest
George Jones - He Stopped Loving Her Today

// Memphis Fight For $15 // Racist Californians // Tipping Is Bouj // Stoned Shawn Called In // Valuing Art // Rent Strike In Toronto // Running For Mayor //

End Songs -
People Under The Stairs - Empty Bottles of Water

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - 2 28 2018

39:11 minutes (38.93 MB)

Bryan’s 13 year old daughter Gwen came on the show to talk about the Parkland shooting and the civil rights curriculum at her school.

Closing song
Sleaford Mods – I Can Tell

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Getting In Trouble For Being Good

1:14:16 minutes (75.88 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett went in the basement to chew the fat about

// Finding Out your Relatives Believe In Crisis Actors // Trump Is Gonna Grab Guns // Get Pulled Over For Good Behavior // Is Papa Murphys A Prize? // Our Encounter With the Police // Drunk Church // Arnold Fest //

End Song -

Kimya Dawson - Utopian Futures

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Striking Gets The Goods

3:25:52 minutes (248.62 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett took calls in the WCRS studio

Opening song by Justin K Comer -

//West Virginia Teacher Strikes // Motivations For Striking // SB5 Demonstrations In Ohio // Lack Of Coverage // Driving for Lyft // Prevailing Wage Theft // Rob Talks About Assault Rifles // Midwest Medical Marijuana // Receiving Benefits // Taking A Bath // Fame High School // Officers On Campus // West Virginia Teachers Are Great // Thinking Collectively // Making Boxes // The Landscaping Murderer //

End Song -

Deli Girls - Control

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Jewel Tones Are Confusing

1:18:24 minutes (80.49 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett sat down in the basement to talk about

// The Sinclair Promo // Whattabout White Boys On Everyone Violence??? // Promising No Bias In Reporting // Killer Cop is Back On the Force // Zachary Rosen Is A Shit Head Rally // Is It Worth Driving For Lyft? // Kids Clothing These Days //

End Song -

The Breeders - Nervous Mary

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Work While You Live!

1:21:19 minutes (83.48 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett descended downstairs to talk about

// Payday Advance Cycle // The One Cent Debt // The Tire Change Place // Amazon Is A Parasite // Washing Out Of Work // Libertarian Tattoo Artists // Work and Life Integration //

End Song -

Patra - Worker Man

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is


3:20:29 minutes (253.75 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett invited Lindsey Martin (@Lindzeta_) to take calls in the WCRS studios

// Mayor Jason Is Going To Protect Your Car // Affluent Solutions To Homelessness // Carbonated Water And Metal Pipes // The Post Office Blues // How Do We Solve The Package Problem // Paying Dues // Sticking Things Up Your Nose // Don’t Fix Your Own Pipes // Checking In With @Shitprole // Becoming A Salt //

Middle Songs

How Did This Happen - Bodega
Cone Of Light - Almighty Defenders
Migos - Narcos

// Siri Is My Guy Now // Loading Ornery Donkey’s // Fighting Neo-Fascism At Work // Missing Work For A Hostage Situation // Dealing With The Public Should Get Hazard Pay // Shrooming At Wrestling // Columbus Pizza Lovefest //

End Song -

Esperanza Spalding - Good Lava

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Diversify The Hussle

1:09:30 minutes (74.24 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett talked about

// Brett’s Gambling Video // The Chilito // Forgotten Nostalgia // Weed Is Not Alcohol // Talk To Drug Users About Drugs //

End Song -

Bobbie Gentry - Ode To Billie Joe

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Updates On Assholes With Sam Knight

1:25:40 minutes (83.03 MB)

On this show Bryan talked to Sam Knight from District Sentinel Radio about

// Bad Bong Experiences // Sinclair Medias Soft Influence // Successfully Fighting Back // Doofus Government Officials Then And Now // Trumps Lineup Of Fucking Assholes // Comparing Small Time Money Scams With The Government Experts // Luxury Box Lifestyle //

End Song -

Outkast - Slump

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Return Of The Macks

3:35:08 minutes (286.72 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett invited Grove City Erika (@chillingseymour) to take calls in the studio

// Legal Marijuana In Ohio // Travelling From NYC To NOLA // Creek Shoes // Reapplying For Your Job // Raising Kids Left // Professional Wrestling And Soaps // ED Tv // Work Off // We Are A Biased News Outlet // RIp Art Bell // Mini Van Life //

Break Songs
Lalić - Fuck Love
Wheatus - teenage dirtbag

// Moving Away // Ace Of Base Is Nazi’s // Fight For $15 At OSU // Boat Life // Protesting Against Success // Work Is Not Your Family // Drug Scientist // Street Fight Radio Cast Of Characters // Modern Magic And You //

End Song -

Princess Nokia - For The Night

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Additional Duties Are Not Allowed

1:21:24 minutes (86.63 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett dwelled into the basement to talk that talk

// Staying Up Late // Playing Too Much At An Interview // Bargaining For Salary // The Bills Danger Ranking // Outside Of My Duties // Starbucks Memes // Street Lights Belong To The Police // Legalize It //

End Song -

Shopping - Suddenly Gone

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - A Reverse Robin Hood Situation

1:19:56 minutes (84.71 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett descended into the basement to discuss

// Mountain Man’s Pride // Macho Barbershop // CEO’s Don’t Work 1000x Harder // Ratchet Up The Trash // Steal From The Poor To Give To The Rich // Drug Use These Days // Talking To Your Kid About Drugs //

End Song -

Daft Punk - Doin’ It Right ft. Panda Bear

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes



2:52:03 minutes (222.71 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett took phone calls in the studio

// Preferences // Anti Camping // The Big Guy Returns // Working At Jimmy Johns // May The Geologist // Landlord Questions Death // Praying For This Driving Job // $35,000 In the Trash // Bank Fraud // Married To A Lib //

End Song -

Killing Joke - Eighties

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes



1:04:42 minutes (68.41 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett went into the basement and recorded their first live broadcast of the show!

// Talking About The Scouts With sp0ka // Misogyny And Gender Essentialism // I Could Definitely Use A Weed Smelling Dog // George Zimmerman Is A Menace // The Muffin Man // “I Didn’t Want To Fire You” //

End Song - Mission Of Burma - That’s How I Escaped My Certain Fate

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - The Bulldogs In HR

2:27:19 minutes (200.43 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett took calls in the WCRS studio

Opening Song - Neu! - Super 78

// Car Salesmen // Carrying Columbus On Our Backs // Iowa Police Calls // Fighting Teens // Weed Scientist Blues // The Bulldogs In HR // Long Haul Trucking //

Break Song - Thursday - How Long Is the Night
Downtown Boys - 100% Inheritance Tax

// The Boy Scouts // Class In The Scouts // Checking Your Bank Account In The Bathroom // Irony Weapons //

Closing Song - Vulfpeck - Funky Duck

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - WORKPLACE MADNESS

1:16:50 minutes (80.9 MB)

On this show Bryan and Bryan descended into workplace madness

// Running From The Police // The Home Depot Experience // Employees Control The Music And The Thermostat // Customer Service Experts // When Home Depot Is All You Have // Wal-mart To Prison Pipeline // Chipotle Setup //

Closing Song - Gojira - L'Enfant Sauvage

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - 5 23 2018

2:55:27 minutes (226.13 MB)


1:09:28 minutes (72.13 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett threw rocks at people more powerful than them from the basement

// Reset The Overdraft Counter // The Cost Of Going To School // The Poor Schools // Working As A Teen // My Life As A Church Guitar Player // Bitcoin Costs Too Much //
The New Money System //

Closing Song - The O’Jays - Back Stabbers

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Gatorade for The Next Guy, Gal, Or Non-Binary Pal

1:51:09 minutes (151.61 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett recorded a voicemail show because the phones at the studio were all fucked up

Opening Song - Gary Numan - Cars

// Swimming In Fracking Water // Never Met A Man He Wouldn’t Fight // Mike Walks Out In Solidarity //

Coheed & Cambria - Blood Red Summer
Buck Owens - Act Naturally
Bankroll Fresh - Walked In

// Gatorade for The Next Guy // Getting By On Little Money // Favorite Cheap Recipes // How To Handle An Info Warrior // Other Schools Of Thought // You Should Know What You’re Railing Against //

Closing Song - The Locust - Live From The Russian Compound

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Roseanne Really Smells Like Poo-Poo-Ooo

1:21:23 minutes (84.75 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett sat in the basement to talk about

// Bare Foot Is Legal // Insurance Land Mines // Trump Coin // Conservatism Is Just Racism // Pron Shootings // Erotic Bryan //

Closing Song - Robert Glasper Experiment - Afro Blue (Feat. Erykah Badu)

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - POLICE MAGAZINE

1:26:51 minutes (91.66 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett descended into the basement

// Kilgore Comics Release // Police Magazine // Antifa Weapons // Do Your Free Speech // Antifa Bandana Code // Pro Fracking Bad Guys // Campus Conservatives // Alice Johnson Is Freed //

Closing Song - Santana - Soul Survivor

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

street fight radio - Ketchup Crisis Call In Show

2:36:40 minutes (210.58 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett took calls with @usernamejoshua in the WCRS studio

// Counting Races // White Family Racism // Making Donuts // Fucking Up On the Job // Snake Bite Man // Bathroom Checks // Learning To Clean // Weed Lawyer Stefan BC // Bryan’s Shoe Dilemma // George Soros Horse // DB Tuber // Anti-Union Video // Bryan’s Eyebrow Piercing // Wedding Advice // Da Share Zone Calls In //

Closing Song - Almost Had to Start a Fight/In and Out of Patience - Parquet Courts

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

street fight radio - Mickey Mouse Slum

1:24:41 minutes (88.12 MB)

On this show Bryan and Brett sat in the basement to talk about

// Coming Up With the Last Thousand // Ain’t Mad At Trump // Are ICE the Gestapo? // Forcing A Conversation // Disney Doesn’t Pay Their Employees // He’s Not Mad // Leave It To The Starir Masters //

Closing Song - Brian Dunne - I'm Gonna Die Down Here

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Keep Families Together fundraiser with The District Sentinel

1:11:42 minutes (66.59 MB)

This is the audio from our live show in DC on Saturday, June 30th, 2018. Thank you to the Bier Baron Comedy Loft for having us we will definitely be back. Subscribe to the District Sentinel podcast and support them on patreon. Their twitters are @samknight_one and @Samsacks

// ICP and Politics // Liberal Protest Signs // Christian Radio // Don’t Be Afraid Of Anything You Can Step On // The Socialist Plot Against America // What Alex Jones Thinks Is Happening // Q&A //

Closing Song - Rites Of Spring - Remainder

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Call Us In

2:46:30 minutes (223.77 MB)

This is the call in show

// The Drive In Theater // Classic Cars // Finding A Hobby // Fake ID Help // Bitcoin Millionaire // Being Subjected To A Rich Persons Demands // Vape Business // Occupy ICE LA // @WrathOfMangelo calls in // The Bug Guy Calls In //Getting Arrested At City Hall //

Closing Song - Blood Orange - Best To You

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street fight Radio - The Cost Of Being Alive

1:33:18 minutes (91.72 MB)

This is the basement throwdown

// Living Life On Tips // History of Arrests // Burger King Update // Papa John Racism // The Uline’s Are Taking Over // Voicemails // //

Closing Song - The Heartbreakers - Born To Lose

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Taking Calls With Grove City Erika

2:52:58 minutes (231.32 MB)

We had Grove City Erikah in the studio to take calls

// Good Going Away Numbers // Futzing Around On The Internet // 3 Vacations To Myrtle Beach // Take Off That // Disrespectful Shirt // Ready To Be Old // England Is Myrtle Beach // Nobody Complains They Get Away // Being Loud In Your New Place // Citalopram And Kratom // Another Meeting For Being Stupid // Gentrification Bike Paths // Liberation Songs Of ICE // Google Voice // Bootlicker Drug Dealers // $65 A Day To Be My Friend // Weed Stores Are Hip // Good Working Monkey Wrencher //

Closing Song - Maxo Kream - 5200

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight radio - Shark Hair Capitalists

1:11:03 minutes (162.62 MB)

Basement show y’all

Throw It All In The Box // Occupy Northwest Detention Center // Pay Your Staff // Shark Hair Capitalists // A Half Hour Shaved // Pay For The Science You Want // Why So Many Managers? // Rip Offs // Oliver North Is An Asshole // Treat Your Boss Better Than Your Mother? // Trippin On Beauty And The Beast // Don't Manage Your Wife // Mad At Laptop Music // You Had To Like Electric Light Orchestra //

Closing Song - THEY. - Say When

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Radio - Wivez Show

1:13:53 minutes (169.09 MB)

The Wife Show

// Unlimited Partner Potential // Bryan Is Complainy // Katies Top 5 Nu-Metal// A Bag Of Nitrogen Water // The Problem Neighbor // A Cesspool Of Hate // Spaghetti On The Floor //

Closing Song - Ween - Het Fat Boy (Asshole)

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is


1:44:14 minutes (190.85 MB)

Street Fight With Drew Toothpaste

// You Are Smart And Know Things And We Don't // Nintendo Fucked Up Our Dopamine Levels // Can't Watch Movies Without Cellphones // Different Kind Of Rich // Not Living Broke To Have Honor // Millennial Night For Old Ugly People // 141,000 Horrible Jobs // We Hate Authority // My Goal Is To Fuck Around // Glasses Over My Glasses //

Toots & Maytals - Louie Louie

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Street Fight Radio - Health Insurance Is Stupid ft. Will Menaker

1:19:34 minutes (145.68 MB)

Street Fight With Will Menaker

// Getting Nos’d Up At A Stoplight // Deadpool Is Marvels Joker // Trump Loves Asbestos // Health Insurance Is Stupid // 50 State Gestapo Dragnet // Colors Get You Higher? // Marvel Netflix Shows Are The Democratic Party Of T.V //

YoungBloodZ - Cadillac Pimpin'

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Pay Me In Cash Everyday

3:08:54 minutes (259.41 MB)

Pay Me In Cash Everyday

// Sleeping In Shoes // 240 Minutes At The Minute Clinic // Pee In The Bathtub // VHS Movies On DVD // Civilians On Patrol // 16 Year Old Street Fighters // SoCal Street Fighter Hangout // IPad As A Phone // Steal Your Co-Workers // Enthralled By Old Corny Movies // Jesus People Are Sovereign Citizens // Power In Numbers // Call Times // Pay Me In Cash Everyday // Robert Downey Sr. // I Love Seeing Dads Get Beat Up // 2nd Best Ween Concert I Ever Seen // Mosh Pit In A Scuzzy Crowd //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Talk Shit, Get Hit

1:20:47 minutes (110.94 MB)

Talk Shit, Get Hit

// Wait Until Your 18 To Shoplift // Give Him A Diploma And Kick Him Out // Naked Is Legal // Stealing From Stores Is OK // Talk Shit, Get Hit // Beat Up By Your Childhood Hero // No One Cares About Your Hunger Strike // Live Lottery Winner //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Boogers On Burgers

3:10:04 minutes (261.01 MB)

Boogers On Burgers

Taking calls in the studio
// Marriage Solidarity // Worst Pizza Via Yelp // Horrible Movies // LSD Teens // IWW Organizer Meeting // Unionize Hotels // Sacred Days Off // Kratom Tea Recipe // The Big Guy Is Van Wilder // Boogers On Burgers // Hooch For Dinner // Everyday Racists Running For Senate // Fancy New York People // Toasty Bagels // Easier To Do Drugs Without Parents // Fired Via Email // Quitting Is The Best // $145 Pants //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Chipotle Condos

1:18:42 minutes (108.07 MB)

Chipotle Condos

Basement show yall
// No Soliciting // Please Drive Carefully // Chipotle Condos // Richard Uihlein Curse // Anti Anti Fascists Shirts // Mt. Vernon Alien // Big Foot Is An Anarcho Primitivist //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Rioting Is Just Public Opinion

2:49:43 minutes (233.07 MB)

Rioting Is Just Public Opinion

Taking Calls In The Studio..
// Sharing A Bed On Tour // Rioting Is Just Public Opinion // Getting Yours // Applying Online // Ambien Hotel Party // Offbrand Movies // Job Family // Soup In A Bag // Reassuring Advice // Making Bold Claims // Assumed Names // GoFundMe Scams // No Twinsies // Spitting On The Ground In Front Of Cops // Weed Makes Life More Fun // Infiltrating Facebook Groups // Super Happy To Be Less Alienated //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Distribution Center Calisthenics

1:23:42 minutes (114.97 MB)

Distribution Center Calisthenics

Basement Show Yall..
// Christian Small Business Tyrants // Distribution Center Calisthenics // Cable Company Formal Dance // Swat Team For Shoplifting // Sex Workers Are Targeted // Succulent Scam // Prolific Places To Steal From //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - Midwest Tour Wrap Up

1:13:52 minutes (66.53 MB)

Midwest Tour Wrap Up

Basement show y'all..
// Appreciate The Labor Of Instagram Traps // JD Byrider Budget // Tour Wrap Up // Totally Shit Venue // They Are Gentrifying Everywhere We Go // Overtime Is Everything // //

Song - Des Demonas - The South Will Never Rise Again

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - When The Boss Sets You Up

2:51:50 minutes (226.95 MB)

Call in show on WCRS
// Crazy Comedians // Things Bryan Like // Coming To LA // Aubrey Sitterson and The Illustrated History Of Pro-Wrestling // Dankmtl Hanging Out At The Lucha Show // Raytheon Has A Heart // Fundraiser For The Guy Who Slammed Dunk A Listener Into The Fryer // Customer Service Setup // Welding // Landlords Suck Too // Cheapass Owners // NASCAR //

Song - Natalie Prass - Short Court Style

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Felony Ham & Salami Theft

1:21:41 minutes (112.23 MB)

Basement Show yall..
// Felony Ham & Salami Theft // Treat Like Shit,You Eat Spit // Cranked Up Jail Sentences // Venting To Your Drug Dealer // A Chance For Gift Cards // Don’t Say Living Wage // Project Alcopop // Shoplifting Tip Line //

Song - Camera - Ausland

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Street Fight Radio - The Wild WIld Warehouse

2:50:32 minutes (231.12 MB)

Call In Show Y’all
// Bat In The House // Layoffs // Keeping Up With The McMansions // Healthy Lifestyle // Running Away From A Religious Cult // Podcast Endings // Fighting The Landlord // Tipping With Company Money // Brix Pizza // Stupid Liberal Signs // Dildo And Plush Factory //

Song - Cliff Richard - Devil Woman

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Justice For Jacob

1:22:11 minutes (112.9 MB)

Basement Show Yall..
// Stop Tasing Children // Justice For Jacob // Working For Free Instead Of Doing Drugs // Off With A Warning For Doing Slavery // E Pluribus Whoopins // Left Wing Woopin Boys // Papaw Tattoos // Bryans Beans Are Hot //

Donate To Jacobs Legal Fund @

Song - Soudiere - Pardon Me

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Crumble America Responsibly

3:09:37 minutes (173.6 MB)

Taking calls in the studio..
// Bryan Loves Leggings // Take Your 14 Year Old Driving // Milk In A Bag // Disney Mascot Hierarchy // Sim Job Simulator // Unloading Sad Stories // Pyramid Scheme Job Offer // Ferris Wheel Money // Valuable Relationships // Police Arresting Immigrants During Disasters //Gentrification Via Hurricane // Crumble America Responsibly // Ex-Cult Member Update // Drill Sergeant Joke Book // Bob Dylan Kazoo Music //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

"K*ll Jeff Bezos!" - Live from Chicago

1:17:22 minutes (106.24 MB)

Recorded Live at The Hideout in Chicago, IL
// 1920’s Comedy // Pay To Get Screamed At // Getting Written Up Is Cool // Telemarketing Stories // Boss Problems // K*ll Jeff Bezos // We Chose Cremation //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Rich People Amount Of Cocaine

1:13:18 minutes (100.65 MB)

Basement Show Yall..
// Walmarts // World Cup Of Wrestling // // Standard Procedure Not To Kill // Beat You Up Or Shoot You // Police Can't Handle Their Drugs // Rich People Amount Of Cocaine // Time To Push Back //

Song - Twenty One Pilots - My Blood

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

The Gloves Are Off

3:05:22 minutes (254.56 MB)

Taking calls in the studio..
// The Gloves Are Off // America Is A Scam // Confront Your Racist Relatives // Help Florida Immigrants // Your Alone & No One Likes You // Its All A Hustle // Car Salesman Artist // Lying For Good Things isn’t Bad // Prison Is Not Justice // Conservative Punks For Harm Reduction? // Toby Keith Style Boot In The Ass // We Need Rhinos More Than Erections // Black Conservatives // Your Grandma Had Sex // Keep Showing Up To Things // Drugs Are A Symptom Not The Problem // Comcast Customer Brutalization //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Street Fight Drug Drop Off

1:22:57 minutes (113.91 MB)

Basement Show Yall..
// Michaels Doctor Visit // Scholastic Choices // Juuling Scare // Street Fight Drug Drop Off // Democrat Mobs // Bryans 2004 Voter Registration Drive // 10 Years To Pay Me Back //

Song - Devil In Jersey City - Coheed & Cambria

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Roofers Are The Marines Of Blue Collar Work

2:02:11 minutes (167.79 MB)

Taking Calls In The Studio..
// Marvel Onesies // First Job Blues // Rich Not Wealthy // In Between Jobs // Roofers Are The Marines Of Blue Collar Work // Pittsburgh // Right Wing Violence // Always Defeated // Hopeless Conspiracies // Candy Corn & Peanuts // We Won't Be Erased Rally // Loans Are Scams // Bryan Doesn't Want A Visa //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Battery Via Chocolate Milk

1:24:01 minutes (115.38 MB)

Basement Show Yall..
// Smells Like Bomb Weed // Issue 1 // Punishing People For Mental Health // Cops Love White Supremacists // Battery Via Chocolate Milk // Speed Bumps Work // One Year Anniversary Candy //

Song - Samson - Regina Spektor

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Cheeseburger Logs & Imitative Olive Garden Breadsticks

1:26:15 minutes (118.49 MB)

Basement Show Yall..
// Double Sock Territory // No Call No Show In A Disaster // Cheeseburger Logs & Imitative Olive Garden Breadsticks // Free Hot Soup Kansas City // Oppressed Conservatives // Wicking Tank Top // Old Fascists With Bad Knees // Required To Pledge Allegiance In School //

Song - Surprise Hotel - Fools Gold

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

Quitting The Fun Way

2:52:50 minutes (158.23 MB)

Bryan the heart is taking calls in the studio without Brett the brain..
// Weed Is The Least Impressive Drug Bust // Quitting The Fun Way // Renting A Saxophone // Casino Gift Card // Bryan Is The Heart // Overdraft Fees // Sitting In Bed Eating Grubhub // Telling Jokes But Not A Comedian // All Male Abortion Benefit // Smoking Stems For Days // Striking For Raises // Johnny Dramamine // Rodney The Racist // Waiting For A Guy To Steal Trash // Cheap Managers // Escapes From Customer Service // Guys With Guns & M.R.E’s // Christian Soccer Moms At Hot Topic //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Blowing Clouds Of Fentanyl At Cops

1:27:02 minutes (119.51 MB)

Basement Show Yall..
// Christmas Bonus Blues // Old Ham // Lottery For Christmas Turkey // Everything Is Headed To The Ocean // Give You 20 Dollars To Give To Charity // No Nights Or Weekends // Blowing Clouds Of Fentanyl At Cops // Fentanyl Hysteria //

Song - Roaches - Maxo Kream

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is