Wes Flexner's Rock N Roll Show 8-19-2021

wesflexner's rock n roll show
wednesdays 7pm 92.7/ 98.3

TV On the Radio - Bomb Yourself
John Williams- The Imperial March
Gap Mangione - Diana in the Autumn Wind
Immortal Technique w Mos Def w Eminem - Bin Ladin
ANON - Michael Moore Knows Like I Know
george bush's final approval rating was 22 percent
RL Burnside - Greyhound Bus Station
King of Hearts- Camu
Turnstile - Mystery
RJD2 - Rules for Normal Living
Yves Tumor
Express Rising - Neighborhood
Turnstile - No Surprise
Earth + Fire - Memories
again: george bush's final approval rating was 22 percent
Killed in Action - Bring Back The Old School Malls
Black Sabbath - War Pigs