Doctah X - Murkey Murkey - 9/28/2012

59:08 minutes (54.15 MB)

Labor Creates All Wealth - Interview with Tom Hayden

30:38 minutes (28.05 MB)

Kurt Bateman co-host of Labor Creates All Wealth conducts a phone interview with Tom Hayden author and cofounder of Students for a Democratic Society SDS about participatory democracy, his speaking tour and the current state of politics in America.

the steamroom 9-28-12

56:34 minutes (51.78 MB)

Outspoken Cyclist - 9/28/2012

58:14 minutes (53.31 MB)

Conscious Voices Dr. Lonnie Thompson on global warming

58:32 minutes (53.59 MB)

Renowned paleoglaciologist Dr. Lonnie Thompson discusses the latest data on global warming and the melting of glaciers and the polar ice caps, and its implications for human and biological survival. This is a recording of a powerpoint [presentation given by Dr. Thompson at the Upper Arlington public library on Sept. 25, 2012, presented by Upper Arlington Progressive Action.

WCRS News - WCRS Weather Now Forecast for Friday 9/25/2012

0:55 minutes (865.02 KB)

The Beat Oracle - 09/29/2012 (Radio Edit)

117:16 minutes (117.15 MB)

The Fatbeard Radio Programme XXX

57:03 minutes (52.23 MB)

WCRS News - WCRS Weather Now For Thursday 9/27/2012

0:55 minutes (866.81 KB)

Bo Davis - Get Weird with Bo Davis episode 40

57:44 minutes (52.86 MB)

Adverts, Oblivians, Die Kruezen, Buffalo Springfeild, The Pagans, Brainiac and MORE!!!!!

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