Cranksters Episode 2 Columbus Bum Schuffle

57:58 minutes (53.08 MB)

Cranksters #2 Columbus Bum Schuffle Alley Cat

Zach and guests talk about the December 2007 Columbus Bum Schuffle Alleycat race of December 2007. Guests include Adam Maynard, Ryan Heflin, Reda Ashour, and Erin Pratt. News with Austin Kocher. 

Hosted and Produced by Zach Henkel at WCRS Studio in Columbus

Cranksters - Episode #1 - Cargo Cycling

58:53 minutes (53.91 MB)

The first Cranksters episode from November 29th, 2007. Zach and guests Levi Klau, Adam Maynard, and Bill Carnes discuss cargo cycling. Bike of the Week Award winner Levi Kla.

Hosted and Produced by Zach Henkel at WCRS Studios Columbus. 

WCRS Documentation

This is a repository of links to and files that have constituted the WCRS system documentation and procedures.

Documentation Links

Marvin the Robot - Columbus Holiday Special

30:47 minutes (70.46 MB)

This is the exclusive mixture of radio and music performed by the local band Marvin the Robot for WCRS-LP.

Conscious Voices #23 - Hosted by Michael Paul, Cynthia and Sophia Rosi

55:04 minutes (100.85 MB)

Cynthia shares musings with poet and educator Brian Michael Murphy.

Cynthia and daughter, Sophia, learn about the history and problems with Olentangy River projects from Dr. William Mitch, director, Olentangy Wetlands Research Park.

Conscious Voices #22- Hosted by Cynthia Rosi and Michael Paul

54:41 minutes (50.08 MB)

Recordings of a public presentation in Columbus of Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Michael Paul checks out the green building scene in Columbus.  He speaks with representatives of the Columbus Housing Partnership, which has created affordable housing and helped over 20,000 people find housing since 1987.  CHP is currently working on a Green House project.

Conscious Voices #20A - Hosted by Tom Over

55:41 minutes (50.99 MB)

Tom Over speaks with Pat Marida and Jennifer Miller from the Central Ohio Sierra Club. 

Out-takes from Ralph Nader's talk and Q&A in Columbus before Election 2008.

Conscious Voices #20 - Hosted by Michael Paul

55:01 minutes (100.73 MB)

Reporter Michael Paull spends time with the Homebrew Cub as they prepare for the national conference. Our music today is from Pirate, a band from 26th East Blake, Washington Beach.


Conscious Voices #19 - Solar ovens, alternative media, and mime

55:04 minutes (100.83 MB)

Today in the studio we'll be talking to Tim Chavez, a solar oven fan who tells us what's cooking in his couch potato oven this summer. Jody Kushins explains new media, and why that's important in a progressive community, and mime artist David Krohn reflects on his electrifying stage life. Music is courtesy of Feveria and their album 'Past Time Reflections' on But first, a little word on chickens.

Conscious Voices #18A - Hosted by Tom Over

59:01 minutes (108.08 MB)

Recordings of speeches made at a Sept, 2008 rally of the Blue [collar] - Green [environmentalism] Alliance at the Ohio Statehouse.

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