• Black History Month : El-Hajj Malik El-Shabbazz's Solidarity With Palestine

    El Hajj Malik El Shabbazz opposed colonialism in Palestine...


    El Hajj Malik El Shabbazz wrote the following letter in Egyptian Gazette Septemeber 17, 1964.

    Zionist Logic
    By El Hajj Malik El Shabbazz pka Malcolm X
    Egyptian Gazette Septemeber 17, 1964

    The Zionist armies that now occupy Palestine claim their ancient Jewish prophets predicted that in the "last days of this world" their own God would raise them up a "messiah" who would lead them to their promised land, and they would set up their own "divine" government in this newly-gained land, this "divine" government would enable them to "rule all other nations with a rod of iron."

    If the Israeli Zionists believe their present occupation of Arab Palestine is the fulfillment of predictions made by their Jewish prophets, then they also religiously believe that Israel must fulfill its "divine" mission to rule all other nations with a rod of irons, which only means a different form of iron-like rule, more firmly entrenched even, than that of the former European Colonial Powers.

    These Israeli Zionists religiously believe their Jewish God has chosen them to replace the outdated European colonialism with a new form of colonialism, so well disguised that it will enable them to deceive the African masses into submitting willingly to their "divine" authority and guidance, without the African masses being aware that they are still colonized.


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WCRS LP FM is Central Ohio's community radio station broadcasting soon 24-7 on 92.7 and 98.3 FM in most of Franklin County. WCRS is a service of The Neighborhood Network and a Pacifica Affiliate airing Democracy Now!, Free Speech Radio News and other syndicated public affairs programs in addition to locally made music, talk, and public affairs programs in English, Somali, and Spanish.


WCRS-LP FM is a non-commercial, listener-supported community radio station serving Central Ohioans, providing quality programming to:
•Promote personal and civic responsibility, informed action and thoughtful living;
•Challenge cultural and intellectual assumptions;
•Celebrate local cultures;
•Air alternative points of view and facilitate understanding through dialogue;
•To provide media training and to foster community empowerment and participation.
•To provide representation for under-served and under-represented constituencies
and viewpoints, and to provide news and information not commonly found elsewhere
on the airwaves.