WCRS Podcast - Spatzer

Fight Back March 1, 2012

30:00 minutes (27.47 MB)

Bob Fitrakis, Connie Gadell Newton and Connie Harris on the Occupy the Statehouse regional action #1

Fight Back March 1, 2012

30:00 minutes (27.47 MB)

Bob Fitrakis interviews Victoria Parks and she sings some political folk songs

Fight Back February 27, 2012

29:55 minutes (27.39 MB)

Bob Fitrakis discusses blowback in Libya

Fight Back February 17, 2012

29:57 minutes (27.41 MB)

Bob Fitrakis interviews Thomas Lee of the Ohio Student Association

Fight Back January 20, 2012

29:59 minutes (27.45 MB)

Bob Fitrakis & Connie Gadell Newton talk about Citizens United since Jan 20 is the anniversary of its signing into law. They discuss the history of corporate personhood and the Occupy the Courts movement.

Fight Back January 10, 2012

29:51 minutes (27.32 MB)

Bob and Connie interview Susan Carter from the Ohio Fair Food campaign, the Immokolee workers and the effort to get Trader Joe's and Krogers in Columbus to sign off on the fair food agreement

Fight Back December 23, 2011 - Move to Amend

29:58 minutes (27.44 MB)

Connie and Bob interview Karen Hansen and Michael Greenman on Move to Amend and the Occupy the courts event Jan 20 in Columbus

Fight Back Dec. 02, 2011 Occupy Columbus Update

29:59 minutes (27.46 MB)

Bob and Connie interview about how Occupy Columbus is doing and discuss the arrest of 7 occupiers

Fight Back Nov. 22, 2011 - Columbus Coalition for Responsive Government's petition drive to expand Columbus City Council

29:58 minutes (27.44 MB)

Bob and Connie interview James Moore and talk about why Columbus City Council needs district representation to be more responsive to citizen needs and stop doing things like bailing out the hockey arena

Fight Back Nov. 17, 2011

29:55 minutes (27.39 MB)

Bob Fitrakis and Connie Gadell-Newton interview filmmaker Kaveh Nabatien whose film is a Columbus International Film Festival Award winner - Vapor. Also, they interview actor Praq Rado, who is in another festival film, Dreaming American.

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