WCRS Podcast - djbc
# 411 - The Show AFTER The Super Bowl (a.k.a. "Rammed It")
1:04:05 minutes (57.36 MB)
# 410 - The DJBC Heartbreak Happy Hour
59:56 minutes (53.36 MB)
Today is Single's Awareness Day, and "The DJBC Happy Hour" has songs of heartbreak and breakups to fill the void of being single on Valentine's Day.
# 409 - '80s Valentine's Mix Tape, Vol. II
1:00:41 minutes (54.17 MB)
Tonight on the show, a sequel to Show # 105, with more Love Songs from the 1980s.
# 407 - 50 Years of Grease Lightning
1:00:00 minutes (53.01 MB)
We are going back to school and the carefree days of the 1950s to Rydell High School, for this Grease-themed show.
Tonight on the show, we celebrate 50 years of Grease, which debuted OFF-Broadway on February 14, 1972, and was the first Off-Broadway musical to be done under Broadway Contracts. The show moved to Broadway in June 1972, and was on Broadway for eight years and 3,380 shows, becoming the longest-running musical (at least for awhile). The show, written by Jim Jacobs & Warren Casey, debuted in Chicago in 1971, and was based off their high school experiences in the 1950s. The musical was part of the 1950s revival of the 1970s, which saw the likes of American Graffiti, Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, M*A*S*H, Sha Na Na, and...
Grease the film was released on June 16, 1978, and was the highest-grossing musical film for over 30 years, and the # 2 Best-Selling Album of 1978 (and the # 2 Best-Selling Album from a John Travolta movie, as well). Some songs from the original musical ("Alma Mater", "It's Raining on Prom Night", and "All Choked Up") were replaced in the film by songs that we all know and love ("Grease", "Hopelessly Devoted To You", and "You're the One That I Want"). "Hopelessly Devoted to You" scored the film's only Oscar nomination, and "You're The One That I Want" was # 1 in the Billboard Hot 100 in the Summer of 1978.
The 2007 Reality Competition Program, "Grease: You're The One That I Want" was a reality casting call for the title roles in the 2007 Broadway Revival, that was re-tooled from the 1978 film. The 2017 LIVE Musical Special on FOX was also re-tooled from the '78 film as well.
In this hour, you'll hear songs from both the Soundtrack of the 1972 Broadway Cast Musical and 1978 Blockbuster Film.
# 406 - Thanks for the Memories, 2021!
59:09 minutes (53.23 MB)
Tonight on the show, The Rose Bowl. What records were shattered, and why by Coleridge Stroud (CJ for short) and Jaxon Smith-Njigba? Also, what the heck happened at the Orange Bowl, and why the 2021 Season was just the beginning for the resurgence of Michigan football.
The Weekend Warrior has the highlights (or maybe, it's only January).
# 405 - The War of the Oranges (Goodbye, 2021!)
59:22 minutes (53.71 MB)
Tonight on the final show of 2021...
- The College Football Preview (and New Year's Six) - Jack & Susan and Santa & Mrs. Claus chime in with DJBC.
- The Grinch That Stole The Holidays...Omicron
- 2021, We Hardly Knew Ye...
- Keys to Victory Against Georgia in the Orange Bowl
Everyone but Mrs. Claus: # 1 Alabama vs. # 2 Michigan
Mrs. Claus: # 1 Alabama vs. # 3 Georgia
ROSE BOWL Picks (Show was recorded before the news of the four Ohio opt-outs):
Mrs. Claus: Ohio
Everyone Else: Utah
2021 in Pop Culture (NPR) - https://www.npr.org/2021/12/14/1064042944/did-that-really-happen-this-year
In Memoriam - 2021 (NPR) - https://www.npr.org/2021/12/30/1068322276/notable-deaths-2021
50 Wonderful Things from 2021 (NPR) - https://www.npr.org/2021/12/30/1068256220/pop-culture-highlights-2021-mo...
The Musicians We Lost in 2021 (NPR's Morning Edition) - https://www.npr.org/2021/12/31/1064443331/in-memoriam-2021-the-musicians...
New Year's Superstitions (Parade) - https://parade.com/1133128/marynliles/new-year-superstitions/
New Year's Superstitions (Her Campus) - https://www.hercampus.com/life/new-years-eve-superstitions/
New Year's Superstitions (Superstition Dictionary) - http://superstitiondictionary.com/new-years-superstitions/
15 New Year's Superstitions Around the World (Yahoo) - https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/15-years-day-traditions-around-173000575...
Good Luck Superstitions on New Year's Eve (Yahoo) - https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/14-superstitions-good-luck-140000819.htm...
New Year's and Your Pets: https://www.nbc4i.com/news/u-s-world/tips-to-help-calm-your-pets-during-...
# 404 - It's A Wonderful Podcast...Maybe
59:53 minutes (54.12 MB)
Tonight, Twas the Show Before Christmas, and ALL Through The House....yeah, we're not going down that road again. But, Santa and Mrs. Claus return for the Naughty (and Nice) List, and a special appearance by a long-time former Downtown Columbus Holiday Fixture.