WCRS Podcast - Street Fight
Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 11/17/2011
57:10 minutes (52.34 MB)
So we had to address the twitter account @injusticefacts who's facts may or may not be injustices. Tune in and help us decide. Or you can call our voicemail and leave us a message with your favorite at 209-MRR-SHOW.
The second half of the show was dedicated to Occupy and the recent attempt by Mayor Bloomberg to oust the people in New York. We discussed the recent revelations in the movement and the recent happenings in Columbus.
As always if you would like more from us including an uncensored version of Street Fight you can always visit our site at MurderRebelRadio.com.
If you enjoy the show we require you to share with your friends.
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Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 11/10/2011
58:01 minutes (53.12 MB)
This was a fantastic show, and remember it's all a joke, people who own decks. We did some good shaming of people who are scared of the world and racist at the same time.
The second half features an interview with Vincent Hildebrandt who runs the Ohio guild of hypnotists. It went really well and Bryan plans on having him back.
We closed out the show with a discussion about an injustice that was put upon Bryan, Tower Heist. It's a sad tale and it happens every day, listen in to hear his story.
The music for this show was provided by Steve OD, and he's one of the DJ's that will be spinning tunes this Saturday November 12th for Intifada Columbus. It's our revolutionary rock and comedy revolution. Come out to Double Happiness in the brewery district around 11pm to party with us.
You can download our exclusive music mixes here.
Here's the facebook event for the facebookers out there
We Are Glitterati will be there with a photo booth and Cheesy Truck will be slinging grilled cheese!
Thanks for all of your support and for listening, we do this for free but if you want to repay us you can tell a friend or share all of our amazing content online.
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Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 11/3/2011
57:47 minutes (52.91 MB)
This show we relinquished our mics to Charlie Hampton from the National Association for Regressive Politics and Finn Riggleton from The Pragmatic Progressive Panel for Progressive Politics. They had a lot of the same old junk to say but at least we tried.
Remember!! On November 12th at Double Happiness in the brewery district we will be MC'ing Intifada, a night of rebel music!! There's going to be DJ sets by Nordiq and Steve OD to rock your revolutionary ass off and then comedy from us, what could be better? Festivities kick off at 11.
You can find the facebook page here. Let everyone know and come join us, do something fun in your life.
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Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 10/27/2011
58:01 minutes (53.13 MB)
This weeks music has been brought to you Nordiq. He's one of the DJ's that will be spinning music at Initifada Columbus. It's going down on November 12th at Double Happiness in the brewery district and will be featuring comedy sets from both Brett and Bryan. That's right, a night of chill revolutionary music and comedy. YOU BETTER BE THERE.
We couldn't score an interview this week unfortunately but we did pull audio from the Presidents appearance on Jay Leno and it's quite dystopian. Listen in for more. We will have a pair of interviewees next week.
Thanks for all your support. Remember to donate to WCRS, they provide you with the best radio programming in Columbus.
Finally, remember that if you can't get enough of us, everything we do can be found at MurderRebelRadio.com
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Street Fight With Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 10/20/2011
58:05 minutes (53.18 MB)
So of course we had to touch on the Zoo calamity that happened in southern Ohio. We came to the conclusion that had the government not used every last cent on bombs and perpetual war then we would have had the safari vans, tranquilizer guns, and net cannons to take care of the problem properly.
We talked about Occupy Columbus and more about the movement in general.
The second half of the show started with an interview of Keith Wexnar, an Ohio historian. You have to hear this one to believe it.
YOu can find us at MurderRebelRadio.com where we do some other comedy shows and an uncensored version of Street Fight. Also, please email us at StreetFightRadio@gmail.com with any compliments or complaints, if you got the guts you can leave us a voicemail to play on the show at 209-MRR-SHOW.
Thanks for all your support, we have a comedy album coming out soon and a performance on November 12th for Intifada, Columbus' only revolutionary rock night.
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Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 10/13/2011
57:47 minutes (52.91 MB)
Occupy Columbus kicked off this week and we shared our experience, be there this Saturday October 15th at Columbus Commons for the big gathering.
The always rude and annoying Jackson Lewis made a return to the show this week and had some interesting things to say about a new water business he is starting.
Thanks to all our listeners for your support, you can find us at MurderRebelRadio.com for other shows we do.
Mark your calendars for November 12th, we will be hosting Intifada, a night of rebel music! This is your chance to hang out with us and tell us the best way to dissolve the government.
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Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 10/6/11
57:56 minutes (53.05 MB)
Listen in, tell someone!
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Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 9/29/2011
57:38 minutes (52.77 MB)
This is probably one of our best shows we've done. In the beginning we addressed a certain newspaper that is garbage in our eyes until they do a story about us.
You absolutely must listen to the interview with Lonny Grubbs, a hand made weapons artist on etsy. It was outrageous and more pieces of the "Chaz" puzzle are coming together.
Tell a friend, tell an enemy, tell a stranger. We do this for free and live off of attention mainly.
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Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 9/22/2011
58:03 minutes (53.15 MB)
So we actually record our shows on Wednesday, which means as we were recording the government was killing Troy Davis. We talked for a bit about the uselessness of a system that essentially comes down to a stack of papers with the correct signatures on them taking a man's life.
Also, big news this week, apparently there's a class war going on according to the government!! We unveiled their lies and talked about what real class war is. We discussed the people who are coming out to defend the so called "millionaire tax" and how the suppression of working class people has been occurring for 30 years with no mention of class war.
Overall it was actually a pretty serious show, there wasn't much to joke about when you're standing by hoping that a man isn't killed.
You can find us and everything we do at MurderRebelRadio.com along with twitter (@murderradio) and facebook (facebook.com/mrrshow).
Thank you for all your support! We just found out we will be MC'ing intifada in November so stay tuned for more details. You can contact us at 209-MRR-SHOW with a voicemail or send in an email to streetfightradio@gmail.com
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Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 9/15/2011
58:03 minutes (53.14 MB)
So........ We recorded this and forgot to post it in time to get it on the air. Real bonehead move on our part. The reason why is we have been working furiously this week on our comedy album, which you will be purchasing from us shortly.
This episode had some groans towards the kickoff of election season more than a year in advance but the second half of the show is an interesting interview with Tim Lockerby, the lottery loser suing his workmates.
You can find everything we do at murderrebelraidio.com, including our uncensored show, and Murder Rebel Radio. Our full blown abstract comedy endeavor that got us into radio in the first place.
Thanks for all your support and for downloading the show, you guys are the best.
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