# 365 - 2020: The End. Good Riddance.
1:00:10 minutes (55.1 MB)
Tonight on the Show, we bid farewell to the year that really wasn't. 2020, a year that was lost. COVID-19. Systemic Racism. A heated Presidential Election. Here at home, the Crew won The Cup, House Bill 6 forced a switch in Leadership in the State Legislature, and the most violent year in Columbus.
Plus, New Year's Superstitions:
Country Living's New Year's Superstitions - https://www.countryliving.com/entertaining/g29538911/new-years-superstit...
Cosmopolitan's New Year's Superstitions - https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a30112058/new-years-superstitions/
Bustle's New Year's Superstitions - https://www.bustle.com/life/198210-new-years-eve-superstitions-that-migh...
Superstition Dictionary - http://superstitiondictionary.com/new-years-superstitions/
In Memoriam - Columbus Bars & Restaurants that Closed in 2020: https://www.columbusalive.com/foodanddining/20201228/central-ohio-restau...