golden globe awards
Golden Globes/Oscar Nomination Recap 2013
59:32 minutes (54.51 MB)
A recap of the 70th Annual Golden Globes last night and the nominations to the 85th Annual Academy Award nominations last Thursday. Biff Billingsley and Raff Romanowski give their analysis.
Oscar Nomination Tally (Multiple Nominees):
12- Lincoln
11- Life of Pi
8- Silver Linings Playbook, Les Miserables
7- Argo
5- Skyfall, Amour, Zero Dark Thirty, Django Unchained
4- Anna Karenina, Beasts of the Southern Wild
3- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Master
2- Flight, Snow White and the Huntsman
Don't forget to Vote for Next Week's Encore Show: (Voting Ends at Midnight on Friday Night, January 18)
Options (for Question 1):
1) The 11th Annual Bryan Awards (from 8/22/11 & 8/29/11)- The best of Television from the 2010-11 season
2) Columbus: 1812-2012 (from 1/30/12 & 2/06/12)- A preview of the 200Columbus Bicentennial heading into 200Columbus Bicentennial weekend, and a look at some of the history of Columbus
3) Songs from 1976 (from 5/07/12 & 5/14/12)- Music and headlines from 1976
4) Let's Make a Decision Already (from 10/29/12)- [The Presidential Election Preview] & We Made A Decision Already (11/12/12)- The Presidential Election Recap
Oscar Nomination Preview/Razzie Nomination Recap Podcast:
Real-Time Golden Globes Results from the Bryan Awards Blog:
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