Pete Seeger Sing-along
PSA Pete Seeger function, Columbus Folk Music Society 2-16-14, 35 E. Oakland Park D.Austin - PSA Pete Seeger Ftn
0:51 minutes (795.85 KB)
Columbus to Remember Pete Seeger with a Giant Sing-along Pete Seeger used music to bring people together to promote peace and social justice. So what better way to remember him than a giant folk music sing-along.
Sunday February 16 from 3 to 5 p.m., the Columbus Folk Music Society will sponsor the hootenanny at the Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 E. Oakland Park in Clintonville.
Bill Cohen on guitar, Carl Yaffey on Banjo, and Jackie LaMuth on bass will lead the crowd in singing songs that Pete wrote or helped to make popular…songs like If I Had a Hammer, We Shall Overcome, Where Have All the Flowers Gone, and Turn Turn Turn. But other songs of the modern folk music revival will also be featured, songs like Puff, This Land is Your Land, and Blowin’ in the Wind.
Please DO NOT bring instruments, but PLEASE DO bring your hands for clapping, your toes for tapping, and your singing voice for harmony.
Admission is free, but we’ll pass the hat to benefit the Folk Music Society.
Young and old alike are invited to raise their voices in song, just the way Pete would have liked it.
For more info, contact Bill at (614) 263-3851 or
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