# 324 - As the Impeachment Turns: Megxodus

- Artist: The DJBC Happy Hour
- Title: # 324 - As the Impeachment Turns: Megxodus
- Album: WCRS Podcast - djbc
- Genre: Podcast
- Year: 2020
- Length: 59:45 minutes (54.71 MB)
- Format: MP3 Joint stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (VBR)
Tonight on the show, we talk about a wide range of topics:
- As the Impeachment Turns - With an inevitable acquittal, does anything matter? And why an acquittal would be a "Hall of Fame" Shark Jump for this country.
- 2020 Primary - The Franklin County Dems made their Endorsements on January 23. Who got their endorsement for the coveted 3rd District Seat for U.S. Congress? Don't miss the first seven minutes.
- Megxodus - Has the Royal Family Jumped the Shark since Harry and Meghan want to live in Canada?
- Super Bowl LIV - Can the Kansas City Chiefs stop the San Francisco 49ers?
- Ohio & Michigan Basketball - Can the slumping B*ckeyes and Wolverines save their seasons?
- #OscarsSoWhite3: 18 of the 19 Acting Nominees are White
- The Weekend Warrior
and the show closes with the sad tragic death of basketball legend Kobe Bryant (1978-2020), who was killed in a helicopter crash on January 26.