oscars so white
# 325 - #OscarsSoWhite3
1:00:54 minutes (55.76 MB)
Tonight is the Academy Awards Show on WCRS. And once again, there is a lack of diversity in the nominees. 18 of the 19 (because Scarlett Johansson has TWO nominations) acting nominees are White, and the lone Black nominee is British (via Nigeria). The Directing nominees are all...Male.
DJBC Predictions (MAIN Categories):
Best Picture - 1917
Best Director - Sam Mendes, 1917
Best Actor - Joaquin Phoenix, Joker
Best Actress - Renee Zellweger, Judy
Best Supporting Actor - Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Best Supporting Actress - Laura Dern, Marriage Story
Best Adapted Screenplay - Little Women
Best Original Screenplay - Once Upon A Time in Hollywood
Best Foreign Language Film - Parasite (South Korea)
Best Original Song - "I'm Going to Love Me Again", Rocketman (Elton John/Bernie Taupin)
Local Oscar Parties:
Gateway Film Center - 6PM (1550 N. High St., University District
The Drexel - 6PM (while seats last) (2254 E. Main St., Bexley)
Best Picture Marathons (excluding the Irishman & Marriage Story):
Continue February 8 at AMC Lennox, AMC Easton, AMC Dublin Village, Marcus Crosswoods, and Marcus Pickerington (Animated Short Nominees will be screened at Marcus Cinemas)
Plus, a lengthy Weekend Warrior highlights events around town over the next couple of weeks.
# 324 - As the Impeachment Turns: Megxodus
59:45 minutes (54.71 MB)
Tonight on the show, we talk about a wide range of topics:
- As the Impeachment Turns - With an inevitable acquittal, does anything matter? And why an acquittal would be a "Hall of Fame" Shark Jump for this country.
- 2020 Primary - The Franklin County Dems made their Endorsements on January 23. Who got their endorsement for the coveted 3rd District Seat for U.S. Congress? Don't miss the first seven minutes.
- Megxodus - Has the Royal Family Jumped the Shark since Harry and Meghan want to live in Canada?
- Super Bowl LIV - Can the Kansas City Chiefs stop the San Francisco 49ers?
- Ohio & Michigan Basketball - Can the slumping B*ckeyes and Wolverines save their seasons?
- #OscarsSoWhite3: 18 of the 19 Acting Nominees are White
- The Weekend Warrior
and the show closes with the sad tragic death of basketball legend Kobe Bryant (1978-2020), who was killed in a helicopter crash on January 26.
# 177: The DJBC Academy Awards Show Happy Hour VI
58:55 minutes (53.95 MB)
The sixth annual DJBC Academy Awards Show on WCRS (if you don't include the 2010 late night stream, lol)...
- Oscar's Still White, plus why it wasn't thrilled about the use of its name for a certain product placement
- The Road to Oscar: BAFTA, SAG, Director's Guild, Writer's Guild
- The Razzies: Who will win?
DJBC Happy Hour Predictions:
Best Picture: The Revenant (Upset Pick: Spotlight; NOTE: If a film other than "Spotlight" or "The Big Short" wins Best Picture, it will be the first time in 20 years that the Best Picture winner wasn't nominated for Best Ensemble at the SAG Awards)
Actor: Um....yeah....Luke from the final season of "Growing Pains"
Actress: Brie Larson, Room
Supporting Actor: Sylvester Stallone, Creed
Supporting Actress: Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl
Director: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, The Revenant (he would be the first repeat winner in 65 year; Joseph L. Mankiewicz was the most recent, winning the first two Directing Oscars of the 1950s for "A Letter to Three Wives" and the co-most nominated film of all-time, "All About Eve")
Adapted Screenplay: The Big Short
Original Screenplay: Spotlight
Foreign Language Film: "Son of Saul" (Hungary)
Animated Feature: Inside/Out
Original Score: Ennio Morricone, The Hateful Eight
Original Song: "The Writing's On The Wall", Spectre
Worst Picture: Pixels
Actor: Adam Sandler, The Cobbler/Pixels
Actress: Mila Kunis, Jupiter Ascending
Supporting Actor: Kevin James, Pixels
Supporting Actress: Kaley Cuoco, Chipmunks Movie/The Wedding Ringer
Director: The Wachowski Siblings, Jupiter Ascending
Screenplay: Pixels
Worst Screen Couple: Christian & Anna (Jamie Dornan & Dakota Johnson), 50 Shades of (Scarlet and) Gray
Worst Remake/Sequel: Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2
Razzie Redeemer: Sylvester Stallone
- Oscar Night (Wednesday at 7PM: Bexley Public Library: 2411 E. Main St., Bexley; http://www.bexleylibrary.org; COTA - # 2 East Main)
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# 173: Oscar Is Still So White and Unity Divides
59:03 minutes (54.06 MB)
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