WCRS Podcast - Street Fight

Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 4/5/2012

57:50 minutes (52.95 MB)

We had a netflix reviewer in the studio with some interesting picks. Actually we found out he was a plant from the Obama administration trying to infiltrate us and getting more people to vote. That little disturbance aside it was still a pretty good chat.

The song in the middle this week is Round and Round by Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti.

We discussed how not to handle cashiers this election season after an article from DailyKos. Tell a friend!!

Street Fight With Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 3/28/2012

57:45 minutes (52.88 MB)

This week we had a guest by the name of Pim Richards, he's an old radio DJ and the self proclaimed "roast master" of Columbus. He was awful, rude, and disgusting but Bryan told him off and then kicked him out. Score one for Street Fight.

We discussed how Rick Santorum is going to keep topping his last homophobic outburst and why Trayvon Martin is unfortunately becoming ad nauseum.

For all of the wrestling fans out there we explained the kayfabe of modern election politics and why Obama's hot mic incident this week shared similarities with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall not noticing a camera is rolling while they hatch their diabolical plan in the locker room.

The song in the middle was The Replacements - We're comin out

Call us at 209-MRR-SHOW or send an email to StreetFightRadio@gmail.com


Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 3/22/2012

58:00 minutes (53.1 MB)

This week we had a guest return, and he insisted upon doing so. He called the voicemail about 40 times and even showed up to Bryan's house. It's Keith Wexnar, you probably remember him from the best of shows we played back in January but he's back with some interesting information about the 200th anniversary of Columbus' birth.

We discussed out sadness for the end of the Republican crazy train :( It appears there won't be anymore good times with Americas favorite dysfunctional family because of an etch a sketch.

We closed the show talking about this revolutionary idea but Brett couldn't get the idea of swapping leftovers from restaurants out of his mind. So whenever we can get some investors we're making a food swap app of our own.

The song in the middle is Ty Segall - My Sunshine
The two songs at the end are from an old King Khan project called The Black Jaspers.


Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 3/15/2012

58:10 minutes (53.25 MB)

This is it! The return of Jackson Lewis! It took some time but apparently the old scallywag has been busy coming up with some new awful ideas. We interviewed him for the second half of the show and Bryan once again kept his cool without strangling him. PRESS PLAY NOW!!

Okay, so if that didn't work the beginning of the show was spent discussing Rush Limbaugh, because we are Radio DJ's just like he is, we have the same amount of power.

We also discussed some of the important news going on in the conspiracy world, including David Icke discovering his wife may be a reptilian, and the government deleting winter this year in order to get people from stewing in their homes about the government.

Here it is, share with friends.


Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 3/8/2012

57:31 minutes (52.66 MB)

Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 3/1/2012

51:32 minutes (47.19 MB)

We have a full show for you this week! The first half of the show was dedicated to birth control and the propaganda movie Act Of Valor.

The second half we went over Bryan;s trip to Chicago and why Columbus is better which lead to a very interesting ending. You'll just have to listen to it.

Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 2/22/2012

57:48 minutes (52.91 MB)

Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 2/16/2012

58:18 minutes (53.37 MB)

Hey there listener, thanks for tuning in and reading this. This week began with a discussion about the Black bloc again and then slowly went into Bryan going to Chicago for the first time.

The second half was entirely the calendar of events. We like to do a more in depth reporting on the events in our community so you have a full understanding. Also, if you ever find yourself talking to Stanley, Keith, or Ray tell them Street Fight Sent you.

You can always email us at StreetFightRadio@gmail.com or give our voice mail a call at 209-MRR-SHOW if you got anything to add or if you want to tell us we're wrong.

Thanks for tuning it, we appreciate it.

Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 2/9/2012

57:52 minutes (52.98 MB)

Excellent show for you this week, we touched on Twitter and the way it has ruined the fun times for celebrities and politicians.

We discussed what to do about the dirty bomb Newt Gingrich said Iran wants to drop on Columbus.

Bryan came clean with yet another capitalism sin he committed. These tax checks are really putting our convictions to the test and we ask for your apology listeners. You can give us a call at 1-209-MRR-SHOW to let us know how you blew your check, we won't attack you, you deserve it.

The second half of the show kicked off with Brett explaining how mean he could be towards people who like the big bang theory. He's not, and you should be thankful because it would be pretty mean.

The show wrapped up with a discussion of the black bloc and the "organized left" who are calling anarchists a Cancer.

Thanks for listening, we appreciate it. Send us an email at streetfightradio@gmail.com or leave us a Voicemail at 209-MRR-SHOW if you have anything to share. We'll play it on the show.

Street Fight with Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby - 2/2/2012

57:53 minutes (53 MB)

Hey! Thanks for coming back, or welcome if this is your first time. We started the show with some serious discussions that eventually went into super bowl talk. Not our usual thing but I think you'll like our spin.

We played Thee Oh Sees - Ruby Go Home at the break.

The second half was dedicated to Brett's moment of weakness. He bought a TV, and it's a big one. Bryan did the right thing and treated him like garbage. It's tax time so I know you guys are going to be making some bad money moves. Give us a call at 209-MRR-SHOW and leave us a description. We'll give you the proper trial by fire and then you can walk away knowing your conscious has been cleansed and you have payed the proper price.

If you're interested in the twitter users Bryan Mentioned here are the links.

OLA - Anti-Social Media

Lauren Riot

We closed the show with Dont know, dont care by Nobunny

As always remember that we do this out of the kindness of our own hate so please let a friend know about us when they're complaining how much they hate the radio or they want something cool to listen to.

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