berbers from america's blog
Berbers from america
tonight's show is a tribute to the activist mohamed haroun, the journalist tahar djaout, and the singer cherifa.
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Berbers From America
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms listening to my show. For this special occasion, I'll be playing songs describing moms and performing by El ghazi, Siham Stiti, Mohamed Allaoua, Makhlouf, Karima, Alilou, Hamidou, R KAM and Rachid Koceila
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Berbers from America
Thank you for joining me again today on Berbers from America.
I'll be talking about the book: Muhand Abdelkrim di Dawla n Ripublik by Aumer U Lamara, about launching of the nwe Amazigh TV of Libya, the performance of Numidia Band in Mawazin Festival of Morocco, about the Chawi Singer Markunda, and I'll be playing the songs of Idban n Rif,Said Zerwali, Milouda, Mimoun Rafrou, Abdelmoula, Numidia Band, Markunda, and Tatrit Band.
For any suggestions please send your feedback to
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Berber Spring
Today we'll talk about the double berber springs of April 20th 1980 and the black srping of april 20th 2001. We also have a short biography of Ferhat Mehenni the leader of GPK, and protestant singer, and we'll be playing songs of Matoub Lounes, Lounis Ait MEnguellet, Abderrahmane Oulahlou and Ferhat Mehenni.
Thank you for being with us.
The Berber Spring (in Berber: Tafsut Imaziɣen or simply Tafsut for "Spring") was a period of political protest and civil activism in 1980 claiming recognition of the Berber identity and language in Algeria with events mainly taking place in Kabylie and Algiers. The background was marked by two decades of harsh Arabization measures instituted by the Arab nationalist FLN dictatorship government, which refused to recognize Algeria's Berber identity and banned the Berber language altogether.
The Berber Spring is traditionally dated as beginning on March 10, 1980 with the banning of a conference due to be held by the Kabyle intellectual Mouloud Mammeri at Hasnaoua University in Tizi-Ouzou. A critical point was the coordinated arrest of hundreds of Berber activists, students and doctors on April 20, sparking a general strike.
While the Berber Spring was in the end violently suppressed by the Algerian authorities, it created a lasting legacy for Kabylie and the Berbers across North Africa. Many of today's prominent Kabyle politicians and activists made their name during the Berber Spring events, and organizations such as the Rally for Culture and Democracy (RCD) and the Berber Cultural Movement (Mouvement Culturel Berbère – MCB) were later created by activists of the Spring. The Spring was also an important event for Algeria's nascent human rights community, including outside Berber circles.
Berbers from America
Hi to all our faithful listeners.
We'll be talking tonight about Massinissa d King of Numidia, about his battles and kingdom, we will talk about the play Massinissa the Black Man, and also about Helen Hagan's book and the 2013 Rabah Asma's new album and touring in Algeria to promote the album and celebrate his Come Back for his 30th anniversay of singing.
The song we'll be playing are: Arwah( come to me) by Matoub Lounes, Massinissa agellid n Numidia(Massinissa the king of Numidia)by Meksa Abdelkader, L'Afrik i yerfiqen(Africa belongs to Africans) by Tagrawla, Amusnaw(The wise man) by Lounis Ait Menguellat, and Rabah Asma will sing Hemlaghkem seg ul(I love you with all my heart).
Here is a trailer about Massinissa's play, just for you.
stay tuned tonight at 6:00 pm on WCRS, Berbers from America is hosted by Sonia Ladjadj
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Berbers from America
Our weekly show is going to talk about the famous actress Salima Laidi who passed last thursday, and the tribute paid to Dahmane EL Harrachi and the upcoming events and the participation of algerian movies in new york film festival, the new album of Yacine Amrar, and Farid Ferragui's concert in Canada.
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Berbers From America
Hello to all my dear american friends and listeners, on my weekly show: Berbers from America I'm featuring the following songs for tonight: Massa Bouchafa Itij, Nouara Jerjer, Djamel Allam Tiziri, Matoub Lounes Beddegh di Tizi, Takfarinas, Lfen, Belaid Tagrawla Awal nwen, Akli Yahiaten Tamurt iw, and Lounis Ait Menguellet Sani tebgham anruh. Stick around for a happy hour of news and infos, on WCRS 98.3 and 102.1 FM live from columbus ohio @ 6:00 PM tonight.
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Berbers From America
In our show for today, we'll pay tributes to M'Hammed Issiakhem a well known painter, Mouloud Feraoun a writer assassinated in 1962, Marie Louise Taos Amrouche an opera singer,we'll talk about the Berber American Community, and also have some news and information about recent berber publications translated into english language, and the new album of Yasmina released in March 2013.
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