WCRS Podcast - consciousvoices

Conscious Voices Keystone XL

58:07 minutes (53.22 MB)

Conscious Voices Arizona veto, New Mexico radiation leak, Couo attempt in Venezuela

59:45 minutes (54.71 MB)

Arizona governor vetoes a bill that would have allowed businesses to refuse service to customers based on a variety of criteria, New Mexico's weapons-grade radioactive waste storage facility leaks, and a look at what's happening now in Venezuela.

Conscious Voices ODNR scandal

59:39 minutes (54.62 MB)

This is the same show as the previouys one titled; "ODNR scandal", but updated with THIS week's Coal Report.

Conscious Voices ODNR caught conspiring against the public

59:35 minutes (54.56 MB)

This week documents uncovered by the Sierra Club implicate the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Ohio EPA, and top officials in the Kasich administration of conspiring to discredit grass roots organizations and certain state legislators opposed to fracking in our state parks.

Conscious Voices Moral Monday March, and more Coal spills

59:45 minutes (54.7 MB)

More Coal ash spills - BIG ones! in West Virginia and North Carolina, and a huge demonstration in Raleigh, North Carolina (80,000+!) on a host of issues stemming from the ALEC agenda - and the commercial and "public" media largely ignored it. No coverage, nationally on NPR at all. We've got it here.

Conscious Voices Injection well protest Athens, plus more Seeger

59:40 minutes (54.64 MB)

8 people were arrested at a protest near Athens for blocking an access road to a fracking waste injection well. Audio from a video report including actualities from the protest plus part of a Pacifica Archives tribute to Pete Seeger

Conscious Voices West Virginia Water Crisis update

59:40 minutes (54.63 MB)

Since the chemical spill weeks ago that poisoned the water supply for some 300,000 West Virginians the national media attention has subsided, but, in the 9 affected counties, a warning is still in effect advising pregnant women not to drink the water. There are also new revelations about the type and amount of chemicals that were spilled, and about the company that spilled them.

Conscious Voices West Virginia Water Crisis

59:40 minutes (54.63 MB)

On or before January 9, 2014 Thousands of gallons of a largely un-0tested toxic fluid leaked in to the Elk River at Charleston, West Virginia, poisoning the water supply for 300,000 West Virginians

Conscious Voices MLK special rebroadcast

59:40 minutes (54.64 MB)

This is a re-broadcast of last year's MLK mspecial featuring the speech Beyond Viet Nam . It includers a new Coal Report from this week

Conscioius Voices Jeffery Blankfort on possible Israeli connection to JFK's assassination

59:41 minutes (54.65 MB)

Historian, author, and radio producer, Jeffery Blankfort discusses Israel's possible role in the assassination of John F. Kennedy

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