# 389 - Jump the Shark Week, Volume II - Politics, Sports, Pop Culture
1:01:09 minutes (55.99 MB)
Jump the Shark Week Concludes with a look at Jump the Shark moments in Pop Culture, Politics, Sports, and a dive into Columbus. We continue to use guidance from the 2002 book, "Jump the Shark: When Good Things Go Bad" by Jon Hein (the Jump the Shark Website jumped when Jon sold out to TV Guide in 2007).
Dukakis in the Tank. The B*ckeyes and Miami in the 2003 Fiesta Bowl. Michigan loses to Appalachian State. Art Modell moves the Cleveland Browns to Baltimore. LeBron announces he's leaving Cleveland on National TV. The Trump Administration. Those were all Jump the Shark Moments.
Here at Home, Franklinton is swallowed whole in the 1913 Flood. Hanford Village is cut in half by Interstate 70. Bexley gets a McDonald's. Les Wexner founds New Albany. Tattoogate even took down Terrelle Pryor and OSU Athletic Director Gene Smith. J.T. Barrett jumped with The Spot in the 2016 "The Game". The Columbus Crew jumped when we literally #SavedTheCrew. The Citizen-Journal and The Other Paper jumped when they got bought by the Columbus Dispatch, which would jump when the Wolfe Family left ownership.
Happy Anniversary....Again
59:40 minutes (54.63 MB)
Tonight on the show, a look back at the last 12 months of the show with the Best of the show talking about Networking, talking about Politics, talking about Sports, talking about Columbus's Bicentennial, and talking with Biff and Raff.
KEY EVENTS mentioned in tonight's how:
- Volunteer UA Expo (Wednesday from 10-8PM; Upper Arlington Main Library on Tremont Rd., opposite the Tremont Center)
- Earth Day Columbus (Worksites- Saturday & Sunday and Celebration on April 27; http://earthdaycolumbus.org)
- Harmony Project Volunteer Week (April 21-27 along Livingston Avenue Streetcar District corridor between Parsons & Nelson; http://www.harmonyproject.com)
- Ohio Young Professionals Weekend (April 26 @ Gateway Film Center & April 27 starting at Columbus Commons; Multi-Group Mixer also April 26, but @ Kildare's Irish Pub at South Campus Gateway; http://www.ohioyoungprofessionalsweekend.com)
And...The State of the Show Address (which was left off the cutting room floor of tonight's show): http://djbcadventures.tumblr.com/post/48096944518/the-djbc-happy-hour-st...
- When The DJBC Happy Hour Facebook Page gets to 200 likes, the theme(s) for the February 3 & 17, 2014 weeks will be revealed.
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The Other Side of News - Mar 8, 2013 - Are local Democratic politicians covering up for a war criminal?
29:37 minutes (29.16 MB)
Bob Fitrakis and Gerry Bello discuss how Judge Laurel Beatty has not acted upon an attempt to call attention to the Dean of Psychology at Wright State University and his background in torture at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib.
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The Other Side of the News - Dec. 31, 2012
29:34 minutes (27.07 MB)
Bob and Connie discuss the Free Press Year in Review issue about drones, fracking, Occupy, elections, and other important stories of the past year.
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The Other Side of the News- Nov. 29, 2012
29:58 minutes (27.44 MB)
Bob Fitrakis and Gerry Bello of the Free Press discuss whether or not Anonymous hacked into Karl Rove's system that prevented the stealing of the 2012 election
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The Other Side of the News November 9, 2012 - Ecological Options Network
28:55 minutes (26.48 MB)
Bob Fitrakis interviews Jim Heddle and Mary Beth Brangan about the Ecological Options Network and the November 6 presidential election
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