Wes Flexner's Rock N Roll Show 12/09/2020

Wes Flexner's Rock N Roll Show
Wednesdays 7pm Columbus, Ohio
/ 6pm Chicago / 5pm Colorado / 4pm California
92.7 / 98.3 wcrsfm.org

Sun Ra presents The Qualities - It's Christmas Time
Cannabis Corpse - Dank Purity
Pharoah Sanders Christmas Song
Fiona Apple - Newspaper
jenn pelly+ liz pelly + fiona apple + amy goodman were an intellectual occasion
wesflexner.com liked that fiona apple included pacifica in her press run with her Democracy Now interview
Yves Tumor - Kerosene
Harold Bud - Let Us Go Into The House Of The Lord Butterfly Sunday
Roy Ayers - Gravity
Merry Christmas From Bjork
Björk - Icelandic Christmas Cat
wesflexner.com recommends rising up with sonali's marijuana story
Snarls - Marbles
The Liquid Crystal Project - Tamir Castile
RIP Casey Goodson
RJD2- The Freshman Lettered
bsa hip hop thursdays 7pm 92.7 / 98.3 wcrsfm.com
Clifford Brown - Yesterdays