WCRS Podcast - Rose Life
Morning Meditation
How do you talk to your self? This self talk create the out picturing of your life. You can change this! You deserve to be your own friend, after all, you are around yourself 24/7. It's time to FINALLY love and accept yourself so others can too!
27:00 minutes (49.45 MB)
Morning Meditation
Appreciation grows and expands. Giving and receiving appreciation grows joy, happiness, kindness and love. How can you show appreciation today?
27:00 minutes (49.45 MB)
Morning Meditation
Forgiveness is SO important to your own freedom. It does not mean you have to put yourself back in a harmful situation, it just means you release the pain from the past. You have grown from it and can move on. Let's release some of that old pain and stagnant energy and move into freedom. You deserve it!
27:00 minutes (49.45 MB)
Morning Meditation
Do you find yourself in a negative pattern every day? Perhaps it's hard to see positive things when there is so may opportunities to see the "Bad". Small shifts in your mindset can help you to shift your focus to the positive. As you see more positive, more positive experiences will be available to you. As you become more positive, others see it and will want that too. You will create a ripple of good all around you. For you, and for the world! Your focus makes a difference!
27:01 minutes (49.46 MB)
Morning Meditation
Taking one step at a time and not judging where you are with unhelpful labels can offer you a re-set. Not everything in life is perfect and "Happy". What is the next higher emotion for you? Can you get there?
27:00 minutes (49.45 MB)
Morning Meditation
27:01 minutes (49.46 MB)
How do you feel about yourself? Does it feel like you have an angry roommate living in your mind? Do you give up on your self easily or maybe ignore the sparks of the hopes, dreams, and desires as they come in? It does not have to be that way. Please use this mediation to empower yourself . Be your own best friend. Work together to achieve those dreams. You can do it!
Morning Meditation
Each moment you have the opportunity to reset your mood, expectations, and your life. You can choose to reset yourself at any time. You do not need to fear the unknown or concern yourself with what others expect from you. You matter!
26:55 minutes (49.3 MB)
Morning Meditation
Rest is an important part of growth, but it is tremendous undervalued in this busy world. Rest is a catalyst to inspiration and creating joy and happiness in your life. Today, please give your self permission to rest, to grow, to be inspired, and to trust.
27:01 minutes (30.91 MB)